As the summer heat approaches, it’s an important reminder: what you can do this weekend.


“It is already possible to visit museums, libraries, participate in car sitting events, visit outdoor cafes and bars, play outdoor sports and keep a safe distance. Shopping, also keeping 10 square kilometers. M. Per buyer It is also possible cutting her hair, doing a manicure. I would like to point out that other beauty services will be renewed starting May 18, “G. Surplys said in the government Friday morning.

Already today, if you return from Poland for work, business or study, 14 days of self-isolation are no longer mandatory.

As the summer heat approaches, it's an important reminder: what you can do this weekend.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Even today, it is possible to work remotely, if all security conditions are guaranteed. And if you return from Poland on Monday for work, business or study, 14 days of self-isolation will not be required,” said the politician.

The prime minister’s adviser recalled that “freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility.”

What restrictions still exist? For the masks, with some reservations: children under 6 years old are not required, in remote places, to eat in outdoor cafes, but otherwise they are mandatory. And they must be used properly, “said the minister.

G. Surplys illustrated the proper use of masks with one example: a protective mask should cover the nose.

As the summer heat approaches, it's an important reminder: what you can do this weekend.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Surplys recalled an important 2×2 rule at a press conference.

“It is still possible to sail no more than 2 people, and no closer than 2 meters. Excluding family members. There are also some restrictions for traveling abroad. They are not provided for catering services inside and events outside the Automobiles are not possible, “said G. Surplys.

Delphi Remember that the quarantine has been extended until May 31.

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