As the business grew, it hired hundreds of new employees, initially paying up to 1,800 euros.


According to Andrius Mikalauskas, Director of Barbora, the biggest drive to expand the team was the rapid growth of order flows and the desire to provide customers with high-quality and seamless service in all conditions.

Currently, the store’s equipment is 2.5 times larger than before the pandemic. The company now employs 1,310 people, up from 500 before the pandemic.

“We could hope to build a team the size we have now over the next five years. We anticipate steady and steady growth ahead of the pandemic, but this year’s situation has sped things up considerably. During the first quarantine, we saw that employees are the main engine of the company’s operations, enabling it to meet rapidly growing demand.

If the quarantine in the spring, like the whole thing, came to us unexpectedly and very quick decisions were needed, we prepared for the fall peak in advance. We started to increase the team in September, and the biggest growth was in November, after the announcement of the second quarantine, ”says A. Mikalauskas about the team’s growth.

Company representatives reported that the base salary for collectors is between 790 and 1200 euros before tax (about 550-780 euros per hand) and for couriers – between 1100-1800 euros without tax (about 730-11120 euros per hand ).

It is said that employees have the opportunity to earn more, because the salary depends on the efficiency of the work.

Hire for an indefinite time

Currently, order flows in the online store are equal to the busiest period of the first quarantine and continue to grow. According to the company director, the first quarantine lessons formed a clear goal: to ensure that the promise of same-day delivery to customers is kept. To expand capacity, 4 new collection centers were opened in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda.

“The pandemic has irreversibly changed the purchasing habits of the population, which is why, in preparation for the fall, we are focusing on sustainable growth. We have increased the capacity based on how e. the retail sector will change after the pandemic, which will continue to be the demand for e-shopping. Already after the first quarantine, more than a fifth of the new customers stayed to buy online.

Trends suggest that after the second quarantine, there will be even more regular buyers of food and staples online. Therefore, we are also increasing our team, we are currently hiring employees with a permanent contract and we plan that they will continue to be part of the Barbora team even after the pandemic ”, says A. Mikalauskas.

At the same time, Barbora, as during the first quarantine, provides temporary employment to employees who are currently unemployed due to the suspension of their main workplace, such as employees of cafes and restaurants. According to A. Mikalauskas, when they come to work at “Barbora”, these people obtain a stable income until they can return to their main job.
