As of January 1, taxes on environmental pollution will be increased, environmentalists will be able to check the sobriety of hunters


Increase in taxes on environmental pollution

The law establishes a tax for environmental contamination by stationary sources of contamination, by mobile sources of contamination, contamination by product residues, packaging residues and waste deposited in landfills.

The amendment to the law also expands the list of pollutants emitted by stationary pollution sources, establishes a stricter liability and a higher rate for undeclared (hidden) pollutants emitted by stationary pollution sources that exceed the standards. nuotr./Atliekos nuotr./Atliekos

The rate for unreported (hidden) amounts of taxpayers who do not manage the accounting of packaging and products is also changing. It would be calculated using 2%. turnover rate, thus encouraging taxpayers to keep accounts and not hide taxes.

It also provides for the abolition of tax incentives for pollution from mobile sources in certain areas, as this is incompatible with EU law and unjustifiably favors one economic operator over another.

The modification of the law establishes that the institution authorized by the Ministry of the Environment will be responsible for the accuracy of the calculation and declaration of the tax on environmental pollution, and for the correction of the tax payment: the State Fiscal Inspection.

Environmental officials will have the right to verify the hunters’ sobriety.

As of January 1, 2021. The legislation that stipulates that state environmental control agents, if they suspect that a hunter who participates in hunting is intoxicated or intoxicated with narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs or other psychoactive substances, will also enter into force right to verify if you are drunk or intoxicated. nuotr./Medžiotojas nuotr./Medžiotojas

Therefore, at the request of an environmental official, a suspicious person, a hunter, a driver of a vehicle, should be allowed to be searched for intoxication or intoxication by narcotics, psychotropics or other psychoactive substances in accordance with the procedure established by the Government.

In case of suspicion of intoxication or intoxication, when the hunter who participates in the hunt does not undertake to check whether, by registering that the person is intoxicated or intoxicated, he has the right to prevent this hunter from participating in the hunt.

If a hunter suspected of intoxication cannot take measures to measure his blood alcohol level during an inspection due to his condition, the environmentalist must, in accordance with the established procedure, request the police authority to present the hunter to an institution of personal health care for a medical examination.

In each case of inspection, when the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air exceeds the established permissible limit (0.41 per thousand or more), an administrative misconduct report is prepared and the person who committed the infraction is prosecuted.

As of January 1, polluters will have to reimburse the costs of public laboratory tests

2020 In early 2006, the Seimas approved the amendment to the State Environmental Protection Control Act regarding the reimbursement of costs for state laboratory tests.

Polluters, both natural and legal persons, shall pay the costs of public laboratory tests if it is confirmed that these tests have identified excessive or unacceptable contamination and / or inadequate waste management.

Environmental officials may initiate laboratory tests if they have reasonable information or if there is a suspicion that environmental standards or contamination levels are being exceeded.

In order to increase the transparency of the activity of the companies and adequately inform the public, the data from the environmental surveys of all the economic entities must be made public.
