As Lithuania is shaken by a new scandal, Nausėda proposes to publish an institutional corruption rating


On Thursday, the President had a discussion with the participation of Žydrūnas Bartkus, STT Director, Ričardas Juška, President of the Seimas Anti-Corruption Commission, Rūta Skyrienė, Director of the Investor Forum, Sergejus Muravjovas, Head of the Lithuanian Chapter of Transparency International, Ignas Vėgėlė, President of the Audrius Kasinskas and Vidas Danielius Bar Association, Director of the Public Institutions Monitoring and Forecasting Agency.

Later, the bill will be presented to Seimas. The presidency hopes that it can take effect next year.

The draft proposes to legitimize the determination of the level of resistance to corruption. These activities would assess the resistance of a public sector entity to corruption.

“It is evaluated how many and what measures to create a corruption-resistant environment have been implemented in the public sector entity, the quality and practical applicability of the implementation of these measures and the results achieved by their application,” reads the draft.

The level of resistance to corruption would be determined by the institutions themselves and the results would be published on their website.

For its part, the STT would analyze and summarize the results of establishing this level and inform the public about them. The STT could also determine the level of resistance to corruption itself.

“Its periodicity, evaluation criteria and procedure will be determined by the Government,” the draft reads.

Proposed measures

The project is said to be moving from the prevention of fragmented corruption to systematic corruption.

T. and. The transition from violence to volunteering, the voluntary participation of the private sector is encouraged, the level of resistance of institutions to corruption is measured and compared, and the operational rights and guarantees of those responsible for the prevention of corruption are established.

Furthermore, in the new system, public sector entities would be responsible for the prevention of corruption by themselves and, if necessary, their subordinate entities, and corruption prevention measures would be updated.

The new measures also include codes of ethics and conduct, while the updated ones include anti-corruption assessments of legislation, anti-corruption programs, etc. t.

It is proposed that the head of the institution be responsible for the prevention of corruption. Insufficient or inappropriate actions by the manager to create a corruption-resistant environment would be made public, and the evaluation of the manager’s activities could take into account his efforts to create a corruption-resistant environment.

The Corruption Prevention Law establishes the main principles, goals and objectives to prevent corruption and strengthen national security by reducing the threats posed by corruption in the public and private sectors, measures to create an environment resistant to corruption and its legal bases, corruption prevention entities and their rights and responsibilities in the prevention of corruption.

Lobbyists corruption case

This week STT officials brought charges against 6 people: Valdas Sutkas, president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, Mantas Zalator, president of the Lithuanian Association of Banks, CEOs of two private road construction companies, head of a private consulting and training company and head of a private information technology company.

“The available data allows reasonable suspicion that V. Sutkus, while performing his duties in the Confederation and representing the interests of its members and other business entities, using his position, public position, acquaintances, contacts or other influence, may have received remuneration monetary law for its effects Adopt various laws that are important for companies.

According to the research, V. Sutkus may have accepted and accepted a bribe from M. Zalatorius for representing V. Sutkus in late 2019 in the discussion of the 2020 Lithuanian budget law package, bank property laws, and corporate income tax .

Additionally, based on research data, V. Sutkus may have accepted bribes from managers of private road construction companies. As suspected, V. Sutkus, possibly for illegal remuneration, deliberately organized, compiled, and publicly provided negative biased information, with the aim of undermining the authority, business, and political reputation of then-Minister of Transportation and Communications Rokas Masiulis. In this way, the objective was to eliminate R. Masiulis from the post of Minister.

It is also suspected that during the implementation of the EU-funded project of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, V. Sutkus chose a private consulting and training company as a project partner, the director of which, acting together with the director of a private technology company of the information, personally paid to V. Sutkus “, – says the service report.

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