As a gift to Asadauskaitė for the Olympic silver: a car


The LTOK President, Daina Gudzinevičiūtė, and the heads of Olympic missions, Einius Petkus and Agnė Vanagienė, presented a report on the preparation and participation in the Tokyo Olympic Games to the members of the Executive Committee.

“When we returned from Tokyo, we immediately sent a questionnaire to the federations to find out why the planned result was not achieved, what was missing and what the federations could be happy about. I could divide the main reasons for the results into several groups: funding, the impact of the pandemic, lack of qualifications, medical and sports sciences, ”said E. Petkus.

In their reports, sports federations spoke about delays and deficiencies in budget funding, increased costs of preparation in a pandemic, sports science, medical services, lack of coaches during preparation, lack of sports facilities and a selection system. modified. For some athletes, a lack of experience and enthusiasm has set their foot.

The federations positively evaluated the guaranteed, constant and long-term funding received from LTOK, which did not decrease and reached beneficiaries on time, even during the pandemic. It is worth mentioning that all the Tokyo Olympics participants took place here with inventory purchased with LTOK funds.

Since 2017, LTOK has steadily increased funding for the Olympic Games preparations. By comparison, candidates for the Rio de Janeiro Games received 63 Olympic scholarships, while more than 100 athletes received LTOK scholarships prior to the Tokyo Games.

For the medal – a car

According to the Executive Committee’s decision, Olympic Vice-Champion Laura Asadauskaitė-Zadneprovskiene will receive a Toyota Lexus RX car, a partner of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The cash benefits will cheer on all the athletes who have won a prize (1-8 places) in the Olympic Games and their coaches, doctors and other support personnel who have worked in Tokyo.

The prize places in Tokyo were won by pentathlete L. Asadauskaitė-Zadneprovskienė (second place, coaches J.Kliosovas and A.Zadneprovskis), rowers Milda Valčiukaitė and Donata Karalienė (fourth place, coach V.Leknickas), the track cyclist Simlaona 5, coach D .Leopoldas), rower Mindaugas Griškonis (sixth place, coach R.Tamulevičius), discus thrower Andrius Gudžius (sixth place, coach V. Kidykas), pentathlete Gintarė Venčkauskaitė (seventh place, coach P .Aleksandravičius), javelin thrower Live place, coach T.Nekrošaitė), swimmer Danas Rapšys (eighth place, coach I.Paipelienė).

Cash prizes for athletes will range from 1,000. up to 5 thousand. euros.

Approved Olympic Candidate Lists

The Executive Committee approved the lists of candidates for the Lithuanian Olympic team and the athletes of the Olympic shift presented by the LTOK Commission of Experts for the years 2021-2022. Last week, a panel of experts met with representatives of the summer sports federations to feature athletes on the Olympic innings and candidate lists.

The lists are based on the predicted criteria and the actual access to the Paris Games. The criteria include that the list of Olympic candidates includes: participants in the Tokyo Olympic Games, athletes who obtained from 1 to 16 places in the World Championships in 2020-2021 and athletes who obtained from 1 to 8 places in the European Championships in the same year. .

This year, the federations have been able to offer the inclusion of athletes who do not meet these criteria, but who can participate in the Paris Games or help prepare the best athletes. To include these athletes in the lists, the federations wrote reasoned requests, which were evaluated by a panel of experts.

A total of 155 athletes representing 22 sports were included in the list of Olympic candidates. The Olympic roster includes 228 athletes representing 27 sports.

Updated funding criteria

The meeting also approved the criteria for the distribution of funds prepared by the LTOK Committee of Experts for individual sports teams preparing for the Paris Olympics. The funds are allocated for the last quarter of this year.

Training funding is divided according to five established criteria.

After 9 thousand. € 1 million is awarded to each athlete on the LTOK list who has won 1-8 places at the Tokyo Olympics or 1-3 places at the World Championship Olympics in the last two years. After 6 thousand. € 1 million is awarded for each athlete who achieves between 9 and 16 places in the Tokyo Olympic Games, between 4 and 6 places in the World Championships or between 1 and 3 places in the European Championships. After 4.5 thousand. EUR is awarded for each athlete who has participated in the Tokyo Olympic Games, 7-12 places in the World Championships or 4-6 places in the European Championships.

After 3 thousand. EUR for each reserve athlete who can equally replace the strongest representative of a given match, as well as a training partner or a promising athlete who can compete for places 1-16 at the Paris Games. After 1.5 thousand. € 1 million is awarded for each particularly promising athlete who can participate in the Paris Olympics. An expert panel considers whether federations meet the funding criteria.

“Unlike budget institutions, our criteria are based not only on results, but also on potential. This helps federations to cultivate promising athletes. It was on the basis of these so-called ‘soft’ criteria that we were able to finance swimmer Rūta Meilutytė’s preparation for the London 2012 Olympics, from which she returned with a gold medal, “said E. Petkus.

There are two traditional events in October.

The meeting presented information on the programs prepared by the sports federations for the preparation and participation in the Paris Olympic Games. Representatives from 23 sports will participate in the Games, which will take place over three years.

The Executive Committee approved the renewed composition of the Committee of Experts in charge of developing the Paris 2024 Program. This document will be presented to the Executive Committee for approval in December.

The committee members were also familiar with upcoming LTOK events. The “Olympic Month” project, which will take place for the fourth year, will begin in October. This initiative for beginners aims to encourage children to play sports, introduce them to healthy eating, the importance of emotional health and cooperation and Olympic values. Registration for the project is done until September 24.

The traditional LTeam conference will also take place on October 21. The only conference of its kind in Lithuania will be organized for the fifth time, and traditionally professionals in their fields will talk about world trends in the sports market, share experiences and personal advice.

The event will be held at the Vilnius Athletics Manege, and professional athletes and their coaches, as well as team and club leaders, federation managers and employees or fans living in sports can participate in it for free.

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