
You can’t make public speeches, public speaking is your passion and your entire career. You especially like to speak on behalf of Sąjūdis, you follow stories about Sąjūdis, believing that everything is a reality. Believe me, if it says so, then it was, it will stay. Most of their languages ​​and languages ​​have nothing to do with reality.

It’s great fun to scold communism’s life of lies, from which we escaped three decades ago. As he scolds those decades, he sincerely forgets that he adapted very well to that communist lie. You became a professor under the communists and received from the communists the greatest property of that time: an exclusive apartment. But so much so, it is a trifle.

This time, in a speech dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of Sąjūdis, there was a new frame of mind: you became a genreist. Yes, yes, even amazing. He caught a hot topic, saw its perspective, and, so to speak, was carried away by the wind of progress. It has shown how to adapt to the new financial and political guidelines. You focused on the current scourge of Lithuania, the sexual utopia, and sided with the utopians.

So what did you say? Here’s what he says: “Lithuania still has unsolved cultural and psychological problems. There is a certain distraction, some rumors are easily eliminated, it is believed in trinkets, intimidation. Society is quite naive, easily changeable and exalted. “Perfectly said. These words are true, bare as a berry is true. Only you and your favorites know best. Oh how! No one has ever sat on the nation’s horse For longer than you, that horse is your favorite mythical creature. For more than three decades. That horse served in your struggles for personal power, for the influence of your family and for the formation of a political-economic clan. You have achieved ridicule a lot, it must be said that you have especially managed to blacken your companions, to mobilize the vengeful vengeful of the poor (for example, Justinas Marcinkevičius). Yes, you have greatly overwhelmed that “naive and slippery” nation, it was, even with fun, calling it the names of dogna and beet.

Now it is a new issue, it is prosperity, it is genericism. Have you noticed the Great March for the Defense of the Family? And are you very surprised that he, Mars, has not expressed his voice, but the decisive voice of the Lithuanian people, saying “no” to the “couple life” brutalized by gender? Oh, didn’t you like it? Didn’t you like that Mars didn’t ask you and your grandson for permission? How disgusting that at that moment his clan had just introduced the sad Law of Association in the Seimas. You were thrilled and excited to have said a strange nonsense: “They speak in abstract formulas that someone supposedly has attacked the family, someone wants to destroy the family in Lithuania. But the institute of the family depends on people’s trust, desire and determination to have a family, to protect their family, to appreciate it when problems or temptations arise. “Yes, that’s right, professor! People are determined to have healthy families and therefore go out. In the Family March. And they appreciate their families, and therefore they say no to the law and unnecessarily to life. normal under the Istanbul Convention. It says specifically, not in abstract formulas, as you say, professor. And you are angry Ah … did something not fit? Problem. Do you seem to be angry with your own mind, that is, with the words ? Yes, of course, age … and the eternal mistake of rushing to speak, to teach, to teach, to teach. The problem is when you teach others for the rest of your life, learning yourself somehow. different.

But that is not all. Of course, the grandson and the clan quickly poured the mass of the Law of Societies into the Seimas oven, had to be angry, but … The dog was buried deeper.

Professor, already in communist times he knew how to overcome reefs of power that were unfavorable to him. For example, when you sought the title of professor, and Minister H. Zabulis said that you would receive it only through his corpse, the minister, you circumvented this obstacle from the side. Mokate. And now? What are you giving now? Nation and State. Article 38 of the Constitution makes it clear that there are no “non-traditional families”, for you they are, because they believe they are the future.

You are so blind to this new sexual utopia, because here, the dog and the frozen, you benefit. It is for you personally useful. And you will no longer wonder why every new utopia in Europe today, even a tank-based tank utopia, has only been around for about 50 years. You no longer have time to think because you need to get into the first class carriage of a new train. Instincts and experience tell you to hurry up. Because how else will Brussels, the world’s geneticists of all hair, see you and praise you?

The law of association is the tip of the iceberg of sexual utopia and begins where geneticists begin to attack. This was also the case in excessively free France, when its Parliament adopted that unfortunate association in 1999, with ministers and the media lying. By persecuting all of France, the sexists asserted the need to be merciful to these unfortunate minorities, and that homogeneous couples would never receive “family” status. He cheated, slandered everyone here and called the retired “populists” and “fascists.” And even then, all the normal people in that muddy politics became “homophobic.” And the horrible violation of normal families began with the help of the state apparatus.

So should all this be implemented now in Lithuania? Is that what you think, professor? You cannot think. And here is a clear French example of progress, “trend”, so to speak. You do not know that in 2017 all the main laws on gender reassignment, “multi-ethnic education” in schools, hosting children in homogeneous pairs, etc. were prepared in Lithuania.

Yes, for 22 years Europe has been raped by a gender attack. Sexual utopia has about 30 years left until people recover. We need to endure those decades. Because we are not France, for us such experiments will shake the last vital force, destroy the identity of two generations of young people. And without them we have nothing else, they are our last Lithuanian reserve. Birth rates are falling sharply below the death rate, and they are already drowning as a matter of course.

But how do you behave, professor? You are in a hurry to accept the supposed progress that awaits you. You think Europe will still force us, we will still have to give in. You wondered where the “force” would last through your eyes for your age, and decided to release a new album; you talked about your favorite genre of fairy tales about the fact that the New Bright Tomorrow is being implemented in the West instead of sexual utopia. Of course, tomorrow and how.

That new quasi-communist gender-lgbista group in the European Parliament has been implemented by Tomorrow. They push for laws and demand that states obey them. You have already reconciled. Does sexual utopia undermine life in the family, childbirth in the family, trust in the family? – You no longer care because you are blinded by its importance.

You tell the Lithuanian people that they would live in families like in the 19th century, when we were not yet disturbed by globalism and sexual pseudo-education, which drive young people crazy. You no longer care that you jump out of your mind and consciousness, it doesn’t matter at all. You think that our minds and consciences, like yours, will soon be suffocated by financial investment sanctions, and we will give up. After all, right?

In his unpopular era of communist lies, he was able to adjust to a “trend”, as they now say. Now it’s back to a new “trend”. After all, you must be in the current mode. Brussels praises it and gender youth will glorify it. And the national LRT, accused of fanatics and LGBTists of your clan, will show, multiply and praise each language of yours. His own clan of political scientists will talk about the professor’s hyperopia. Everything will remain. They will also call you an “advanced teacher”. These are the languages ​​necessary for self-love. You’re in a hurry with them, professor, you’re in a hurry. Do you really need it.

It’s true, posthumous glory … Are you waiting? You saw her. Kaunas Military Museum in the garden pantheon, where the monument to Vaižgantas had long stood, a place left for his person is waiting for him. Do you need more monuments? – bus.

And what will happen to Lithuania? When will there be neither you nor your party nor your fan clans left? It is important to you, you even break the whole idea. Will someone else be next to your monuments and will they applaud you? What if they don’t? Because there will simply be no more Lithuanians. Other plos? Maybe, maybe that thought will comfort you too, better and better than nothing.

Are you saying that there will be no more Lithuanians or Samogitians? – So they deserved it?

But its monuments will remain in the European annals and some other monuments, only without Lithuanian life. Bat is that bad? His name will remain, Lithuania, will remain in the silence of the grave with a beautiful inscription. It is not a bad balance.

But those details no longer matter.

The most important thing is different: be sure, professor, that Lithuania is not going to give up.
