Artūras Zuokas: the city is like a war zone


It is now clear that the reconstruction of the White Bridge will likely be completed only in the fall and will require additional funding. The reconstruction of the Reformed Plaza is delayed, and the Sapiega Park is indefinitely stuck. I’m not even talking about other public projects: Lazdynai Basin or the National Football Stadium and the nearby sports infrastructure. Make a project for a Facebook post easier than in reality.

Needless to say, R.Šimašius’ decision to establish a “beach” on Lukiškės Square in front of the former KGB building, where he has not yet had a passion for the Vytis monument, will cause ordinary confrontations and conflicts. For some, this square is a symbol of the fight for freedom, for others it is just another place to rest.

Citizen confrontation and conflict promotion is a form of action by the Freedom Party and R. Šimašius, that there is a better understanding of what freedom is and what it should be. But we know that freedom without responsibility, without respect for other opinions and the law, is a direct path to anarchy. The city becomes a war zone.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Opening of the beach in Lukiškės square

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / Opening of the beach in Lukiškės square

Freedom without responsibility can only exist when you forget another value that liberals have earned over a long period of time: we are all equal before the law. And the laws apply to everyone, regardless of state and political goals.

Imagine that a private company X comes to the mayor and says: “Mayor, we want to install a free temporary ‘beach’ in Lukiškės Square under our charge. Just let it go. “

What would be the mayor’s response? Let’s say, well, do it. However, there is one condition: coordinate the project with the responsible authorities. Such law and legal regulation for all.

It must be coordinated, at a minimum, with the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Lithuania. From the information that has appeared in public, it is clear that, in the opinion of the State Commission for Cultural Heritage, such a decision is incompatible with the historical and memorial significance of Lukiškės Square. Therefore, if applied, the permit would probably not have been issued. This would operate the legal balancing mechanism.

It is mandatory to coordinate the beach project with the Public Health Center and obtain a hygiene passport. A thickness of 15 cm of sand in a small area cannot guarantee hygiene requirements without special care. Most likely, the Public Health Center will require a sand change each time or special cleaning and periodic inspections, which should be presented to the supervisory authority. There is a cost problem that would make such a project unattractive because it would be privately financed.

Can you imagine the mayor of Paris or Rome hanging a sign in the city center in English only? I do not think so.

Approval must be obtained from the State Inspection of Languages ​​to hang the inscription in English “Open beach”. Do not compromise, as the exception is only for trademarks and registered company names. The pledge is a large “Open Beach” inscription and a small inscription in English. And this is completely understandable, because hanging an inscription in English in this place, when the “beach” itself, according to R.Šimašius, is intended for local residents and not tourists, shows a lack of respect for the language maternal. Can you imagine the mayor of Paris or Rome hanging a sign in the city center in English only? I do not think so. And not because the law does not allow it, but because they value their language and understand that cultural differences are the reason why everyone visits them.

And so on … for example, contracts with the company VMS Grinda to collect sand and pay for the drainage, security and maintenance of rainwater.

The result is that another site would probably be chosen for the project, for example, near the White Bridge, or near Vilnelė, near the Bernardine Garden. Perhaps Vilnius residents would offer more suitable places. Vilnius city really needs similar spaces. A bustling and lively city, a happy city. And so far, as long as the laws are not in effect for the city government and enforcement authorities do nothing to remind you that the laws and requirements apply to everyone, the right to a Facebook photo and the purpose of registration. they become the main law of Vilnius. This is a direct path to the city as a war zone.
