Artūras Kazlauskas: The Gospel of the Semadienis. The secret of insignificance


He sent servants again, more than the first. But the winemakers did with them what they did with them. And he sent his son to him, saying: They will respect my son. But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves: This is the heir; Come on, let’s kill him and we’ll keep the inheritance. And they took him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. So what will the owner of the vineyard do to those winemakers? ”

And they said, He will kill the wicked, and rent the vineyard to other husbandmen, who will bear the fruit in due season. Then Jesus said to them: Have you never read the Scriptures? The stone that the builders rejected was made corner head; It is made by the Lord and it is amazing in our eyes.

That is why I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation that produces fruit. (Mt 21, 33-43)

The secret of insignificance

There are inexplicable things. We keep trying to explain but it doesn’t “come out.” We rely on logic, but sadly … Not just family life and big politics.

Can ingratitude be explained? Why cynically despise someone who has only shown you kindness? Why is goodness rewarded with insignificance? Why respond with curses, coercion, insults, when everything possible was done to help, defend, show and even demonstrate your love?

If motives were found, one would have to look at the human heart. To his insignificance. The heart that is allowed to be lost, poisoned, perverted by the bad feelings that were once allowed in, suddenly encompasses everything.

Why? Why could this happen at all?

The man who planted the vineyard gave himself completely. All your love and ingenuity. He left nothing to the will of fate. Here both the fence and the clamp, even the tower. Tenants haven’t been sought for so long. But that’s where the business success story ends. The time to pay the rent is approaching. Violence and deaths. It is not only the servants who die. The owner’s son too. The dearest experiences the greatest hatred.

This is exactly what Jesus experienced. After all, do we recognize in him that cornerstone that was rejected by the builders and that became the cornerstone, as it was once aligned in the Psalm?

Why? Why could this happen at all?

Questions of this kind, unfortunately, are impossible to answer. Or more precisely, the answer must be sought deep within the human heart. There is jealousy in it. Suspicion. Nonsense. Go to. Pagieža.

There was no other like Jesus. He showed mercy and kindness to everyone until the end. Why did his whole story end in unreasonable accusations?

Jesus preached a liberating and comforting God. Why accuse him of blasphemy?

Jesus dedicated all of his time and energy to lifting, healing and releasing. Why stop forging the cross forever?

Jesus dedicated all of his time and energy to lifting, healing and releasing. Why stop him forever at the cross?

We are before the secret of human freedom. We can accept and reject. Resist and embrace. We are reminded of responsibility. The kingdom of God is not a reality in which the power of inertia enters. The kingdom of God must be sought. And eager to enter. And prepare to lose your life. That’s what Jesus said.

Whatever they give up out of frivolity or distraction (because everyday worries do their part), their decision has endless existential consequences. Today and for centuries (eternity).
