Artas Metrano, star of the Police Academy, dies 32 years after the actor forced to end his career


The actor, who suffered a serious trauma in 1989 that ruined his career, died “of natural causes” this Wednesday at his home in Aventura, Florida. Harry Metrano, the late son, wrote about this on Instagram on Thursday. A photo gallery of his father is also shared with the publication.

“I am writing this album with a heavy heart. Yesterday I lost my best friend, my mentor, Dad. He was and always will be the toughest person I know. I have never met anyone who has experienced more disasters than him.” wrote the son.

Mr. Metrano added: “Over the years he has fought hard and achieved many victories, that is why I have always considered him indestructible. But the truth is that even if we do not live on earth forever, the human spirit can live forever. in you. Dad, you will always be a part of me and I will continue to preserve your legacy. When someone came up with the phrase “legends never die”, I’m sure they talked about you, Dad. I love you and miss you so much. ! One day we will meet again. Rest in paradise. Now you are my guardian angel. “

Metrano starred in several television shows in the late 1960s, but became best known for appearing as a ruthless and consistently enviable lieutenant in the cult Police Academy films.

In 1989, the actor fell off a ladder while working at home. The actor broke his neck and severely injured his spine, which allowed him to move in a very limited way. After recovering from his injury, he was still trying to do comic shows, but in 2001 he completely retired from show business.

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