Around 130 deaths from coronavirus are reported, with 3,222 new cases registered


73 women and 57 men were reported to have died on the last day.

However, it was later clarified that the 130 COVID-19 deaths reported on Friday included people who died earlier but were not reported by hospitals, the National Public Health Center (NVSC) reported.

“It just came to our knowledge then. These are late deaths that we were not properly informed by medical institutions. They were asked on our own initiative to send us that information,” said Austina Vžesniauskaitė, representative of NVSC.

According to her, after receiving criticism for unaccounted for deaths from COVID-19, the center contacted hospitals to provide information on the deaths. This must be done by medical institutions by filling in a special form.

The institutions responded to this request and there was a large increase in deaths in one day.

A. Vžesniauskaitė emphasized that this information was provided later and not through the fault of the center.

“We cannot predict how many deaths there were in each institution that were not reported to us,” he said.

The Statistics Department has informed BNS that it is currently verifying these figures. According to preliminary data, the actual number of deaths per day may reach several dozen.

The total number of COVID-19 infections is 143,000. 903, of which 76 thousand. 442 recovered, 65 thousand. 47 – tebeserga.

A total of 1,589 people died from coronavirus and another 825 died from other causes.

11 thousand were tested per day. 745 samples, 1 million of them have been analyzed since the start of the pandemic. 639 thousand 941.

(26 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Doctors get vaccinated at the Santara clinics

Added 13.25

The National Public Health Center (NVSC), as previously reported, received information from medical institutions on deaths from coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and cases in which the deaths were due to COVID-19 but died from other causes than they were not reported. In accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Health (SAM), include these data in the statistics.

The NVSC reports that 42 people died from COVID-19 last day, with treatment facilities reporting another 88 deaths that did not show up on time as required by the current SAM-approved procedure.

Also on December 31st. Information was received on 19 deaths in which people died from COVID-19 infection, but according to medical estimates, the underlying cause of death is different. Another 58 such cases reported today are cases in which treatment facilities sent late notifications as required by current procedures.

As before, that is, throughout the period of the pandemic, the NVSC provides daily information on the deaths that were reported to medical institutions that day, regardless of the date of the person’s death. This was constantly emphasized and emphasized when providing information to the public about what the NVSC did on a daily basis, indicating both the age groups of the deceased and the comorbidities they had, and the circumstances of the infections of the individuals identified during the epidemiological diagnosis.

The NVSC notes that the non-compliance of the deaths was assessed by the NVSC in the Information System of Cooperation Infrastructure and Electronic Health Services according to the reports and information provided by the NVSC of medical institutions, and the NVSC communicated with the Registry Center and medical institutions to verify the data. The information provided in the public space that the breach was noticed by other institutions is false, the breach was reported and the NVSC took action.

It is also important that the NVSC immediately proposes a solution to the problem and is technically prepared to improve the process of obtaining information on deaths for some time, but the procedure established by the order of the Minister on how to provide information to the NVSC, i.e. , by urgent notification, remains valid.

The NVSC is a body that receives information in a way that is not established by the center itself. The NVSC receives information from medical institutions in the manner intended for that purpose, as required by law.

NVSC remembers that as early as December 10. wrote to the Records Center requesting data on all COVID-19 deaths recorded in the Electronic Health Services and Cooperation Infrastructure Information System, providing detailed information.

Movement: only when necessary

The tightening of the quarantine prohibits residents from traveling aimlessly. Leave the place of residence from December 16. until January 31. 24 hours is only possible in exceptional cases.

Exceptions are provided for going to work, a place of business, own real estate, funerals. People traveling to or from airports, seaports, bus stations can also move.

Travel is also permitted for reasons of medical care and other essential services or for objectively justified reasons when travel is absolutely necessary. Residents can go to care for the sick or unable to care for themselves.

Finally, residents are free to walk in open spaces. Open spaces can include members of the same family or household, or groups of no more than two people. Household: people who live in a house.

Restrictions on the movement of people between municipalities

Even stricter restrictions are imposed during the holiday period. From December 16. until January 3. 24 hours residents are prohibited from leaving their municipality of origin.

Exceptions are provided when residents travel to or from airports, seaports, bus stations that serve international passenger routes, the municipality of their place of residence, due to the death of close relatives, to work when the work is in other municipalities.

Exceptions are also foreseen for people traveling for medical care services or other objectively justified reasons of urgency when it is unavoidable to go to another municipality.

Furthermore, the insurance does not apply to persons (members of a family or a household) who travel to the municipality where they own real estate.

The police will organize stationary checkpoints at the entrances of all municipal centers in the country, where vehicles entering cities will be controlled.

Part of the accesses will be blocked by technical means, surveillance cameras will be installed or prohibition posters will be built. At least two officers will work at each post, and the high-traffic posts will utilize public security officers, border guards, police sympathizers, shooters and military police.

The movement control will take place from December 18. 1 pm until December 20. 9 pm, from December 23. 1 pm to 27 d. 9pm, as well as from December 31st. 1 pm until January 3. 9 pm
