Armonaitė: we are the vanguard – DELFI


“It just came to our attention then. We are far from perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes, but we do everything in our power to represent all who believe in us and put hope in us,” he told the parties.

According to her, the pandemic provided many opportunities: to shine in the world of life sciences, to produce vaccine components, medical equipment or other active ingredients.

“Those 600 companies with thousands of employees today and universities employing hundreds of talented students can create solutions here in Lithuania that help solve global health challenges,” said A. Armonaitė.

The leader of the Freedom Party also spoke about the area of ​​innovation, which, she said, did not allow the epidemic to stop and shut down completely.

“Space technologies that smile naively at many people are changing our daily lives today. Lithuania’s active participation in the development of these technologies and partnerships is already driving change in the fields of health, optics and laser, robotics, artificial intelligence and environmental protection ”, said the politician.

A. Armonaitė also stated that Lithuania is proud of the country’s scientists and that for the first time in Lithuania’s history they will be able to participate in the selection of astronauts for the European Space Agency.

“Bravo Marius Skuodis and the team for their leadership in inviting Elonas Musk’s Starlink company to take a step in Lithuania,” emphasized A. Aromaitė.

Directly from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento: Congress of the Freedom Party 2021

Directly from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento: Congress of the Freedom Party 2021

Speaking about the economy, he noted that Lithuania is “looking for” foreign investment.

“Thanks to our efforts, the ‘green corridor’ of large investment projects has really started to work, which will give Lithuania an advantage to compete for large investments. Both international and Lithuanian companies in Lithuania will expand faster and more simply, procedures and bureaucracy will be significantly reduced and there will be more economic freedom, ”continued the leader of the Freedom Party.

According to A. Armonaitė, Lithuania is expected to become home to progressive companies from Belarus.

“80 companies have already moved or are actively considering: we can attract hundreds more. It is thanks to our efforts that the transfer of personnel and investments will soon be very simple and automatic for them. We support people who fight for liberal democracy and We invite them to continue their activities in Lithuania safely, close to home, ”he said.

Harmony: We could have been any of us on a fateful flight.

The leader of the Freedom Party stressed that any citizen of the country could be on the plane that landed a few weeks ago.

“It is difficult to imagine how disturbing the passengers of the plane landed by the regime and their families were. Not to mention the jailed blogger and journalist Romanas Protasevičius and Sofia Sapega.

When you are only 26 years old and the dictator uses all his strength, services, military aircraft just to scratch you from the plane you are flying, you should know that your actions are much more powerful than any cruelty shown against you, “said A. Armonaitė.

The hardest part of the speech is human rights

The president of the Patio also highlighted the most difficult part of her speech, the human rights agenda.

“However, there is something that does not cost budget funds, even for most of the members of the Seimas it does not cost a lot of work. But sadly, it is difficult to find a way. This is the entire human rights agenda of national politics, ”said A. Armonaitė.

Criminal law, he said, seems to many the only way out.

“When we don’t want to and we don’t find the strength to accept another. When there is a lack of political will and courage to even initiate a parliamentary debate on historic human rights decisions that would help hundreds of thousands of people, ”he described the situation.

This, A. Armonaitė emphasized, is a signal for the entire Freedom Party.

“Not everything that is accepted in western liberal democracies is accepted, and for us as a people, it goes without saying that it is clear and understandable to others, unfortunately,” he noted.

“I accept that as a task: gather, discuss, convince that these changes are necessary and necessary.

To protect human rights not only in our neighborhood or in the world, but also to raise the flag of freedom ideas in Lithuania, ”added A. Armonaitė.

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