Armonaitė spared no criticism of Lithuanian politicians at Freedom Party Congress: ideas were overshadowed by bureaucracy and technocracy


“We founded Freedom Party because we believe in the future of a free, creative and responsible Lithuania. We have taken a policy based on classical liberal ideas, because we understand that no one else will do it for us, “said A. Armonaitė.

According to her, at present, the Seimas opposition can only criticize the rulers, but does not make real decisions with principles.

“We are a new political force, but we have already shown that very often we remain the only opposition to what has happened recently in Lithuania.” The leadership of Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius and his team during the pandemic showed how, in the face of a great crisis and uncertainty, it is possible to act effectively at the local level, help people and at the same time see and communicate global realities . And that was the only different and alternative opinion to the operations manager who did not leave the press conferences, “he said.

“We are the only opposition to a policy of prohibitions, sanctions, intimidation and flat-rate bribery of voters. Not one or two, and not even three votes in the Seimas show that they are all smart to criticize, but when the time comes to make a decision based on principle, press a button, only others can do it. And sometimes you are alone, “said A. Armonaitė.

According to her, it is especially important that education and training in Lithuania are undeservedly pushed aside.
“Knowledge, education, and education were especially important in the formation of liberal Enlightenment ideas. They are undeservedly pushed to the margins in modern Lithuania. We don’t have oil and gold fields, but each has a mind and a mind that can create amazing things. Therefore, Freedom Party has prepared a comprehensive program for the Lithuanian school, not only to achieve good results for the children, but first of all, for the development of a creative, free and responsible personality ”, emphasized A. Armonaitė.

The president of the Freedom Party told those gathered that the coronovirus pandemic had shown that our economy was not supported by the government but by private and individual initiative.

“They are the people who create jobs for themselves and for others who need help with a stable and predictable tax system, a friendly rather than punitive bureaucracy, and ultimately support for innovation and talent. Freedom Party seeks to ensure that we always respect human rights. It has become a kind of our business card. Equality for all law is important to us, be it an infertile couple, an LGBT family or people with disabilities. However, recently we have seen that we have something what to do not only to guarantee the rights of minorities, but also to protect fundamental human rights, ”said A. Armonaitė.
The politician noted that Lithuanian politics is not only lacking in liberal ideas.

“The media, the unconstitutional commission of inquiry in Seimas, and politicians sympathetic to the role of judges and prosecutors are a new reality in which Lithuania lives. Furthermore, we see a trend to discredit civil society initiatives that undermine attitudes towards young people, their views and public gatherings. Lithuanian politics not only lacks liberal ideas, but lacks ideas in general. Today’s political ideas have been overshadowed by bureaucracy and technocracy. the qualities that are important to politicians (courage, determination, telling the truth) were overshadowed by conformity, appeasement and adaptation, “he said.

The politician also reminded the audience that Lithuania would celebrate the Day of Mourning and Hope on Sunday.
“Almost everyone’s family is touched by the tragedy that this totalitarian ideology has brought us. Be inspired by the resistance, discord and courage of our grandparents, even in the most difficult and hopeless moments. Today, we have everything that a A free country that lives with the ideas of liberal democracy can wish. It is very important for us to preserve what we have. However, we, the Freedom Party, have a responsibility to do more than that. We take responsibility for looking with courage to the future, because we want to make Lithuania a great success story, “said A. Armonaitė, the President of Laisvės.

ELTA recalls that the Freedom Party online congress will be held on Saturday, during which candidates for the party’s political program are approved.

On the electoral list of the Freedom Party – 81 surnames, its leader is the party’s president, Member of the Seimas A. Armonaitė. Second on the list is human rights activist Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, third is drug and addiction expert Morgana Danielė, fourth is Deputy Mayor of Vilnius Vytautas Mitalas, fifth is IT specialist and fights for human rights persons with disabilities Monika Ošmianskienė. Mindaugas Tarnauskas, president of the Kaunas branch of the Freedom Party, Artūras Žukauskas, former rector of the University of Vilnius, Evelina Dobrovolska, lawyer, Kasparas Adomaitis, leader of the Vilnius city branch, Karolis Žemaitis, attraction specialist investment and others will continue.

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