Armonaitė requires determination: strict measures are needed if we want to enjoy life again


“I just want to announce in advance that the situation is really very difficult, and that we are in 2021. We can open faster, get out faster and enjoy life, it will take difficult decisions. We just have to be prepared for that,” said A. Armonaitė to journalists to the Government on Saturday.

However, the minister did not mention specific measures that the new government intends to take in the near future.
“It just came to our notice then. We will probably have a government meeting tomorrow,” he said, adding that it is probably in the interest of all businessmen, for whom even stricter quarantine measures can mean a complete shutdown, restoring normal life in the country as soon as possible.

“I think that the business interest is healthy people and the business interest is the opportunity to open as soon as possible next year: open the country, bars, galleries, everything … For us to do it faster next year, we need to reduce morbidity and deaths today. number. Now the situation is out of control, ”he said.

Armonaitė requires determination: strict measures are needed if we want to enjoy life again

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

On the fourth day, Lithuania records more than three thousand coronavirus infections per day. On Friday, a total of 3,303 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in 13,428 samples.

On Friday, the new Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkys presented the goals that will be achieved mainly in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Such goals include isolating those who have been in contact with a COVID-19 infected person as soon as possible, that the number of positive tests does not exceed five percent of all tests performed, without reducing tests, and that the number cases itself is less than 200 per day. The minister also stated that the goal will be to prevent more than 100 more people from becoming infected with COVID-19.

Armonaitė requires determination: strict measures are needed if we want to enjoy life again

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

On Friday, A. Dulkys did not mention specific measures, but mentioned that these will be related to quarantine and restriction of movement of people, vaccination of the population, assistance to medical institutions, care of residences and other objects of risk. Finally, with the optimization of the work of the National Center for Public Health.

It does not exclude stricter quarantine measures.

As Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė told the press on Friday, it should not be ruled out that new quarantine restrictions may be introduced in Lithuania from Monday. The first government meeting is scheduled for Sunday. It will address the management issues of the coronavirus pandemic.
Even before the Seimas approved the government’s program on Friday, I. Šimonytė repeatedly expressed the view that quarantine conditions should be stricter if a pandemic is to be managed. I. Šimonytė discussed the issues of managing the COVID-19 pandemic with experts on Friday.
The quarantine was extended until December 31 by decision of the government.

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