Armonaitė on business support: applications will be available from Wednesday


Applications – starting Wednesday

The Minister of Economy and Innovation, Aušrinė Armonaitė, stated in the Delfi program that on Friday the Government approved the procedure for the distribution of grants. It was previously said that the apps will be available starting this week. The minister clarified that everything was slightly delayed due to the two-day interval during which the process is made available to the public.

“There is a two-day requirement for this description to be available to the public and institutions, which means that on Wednesday companies will be able to submit applications through the STI system,” said the minister, adding that the STI system is ready for accept applications today.

“I want to emphasize that the related business app launch will take place a bit later due to CTI scheduling issues, but independent businesses can basically prepare for grants now,” he said.

It is true that with regard to soft loans, A. Armonaitė assured that they will also be released soon.

“Regarding the loans, we are ready to do it, we are just waiting, the inaccuracy has been made by the European Commission, so we still need to make a decision on it and it will be possible to submit an application.

I want to invite companies to see how to fill out those loan applications. I checked them myself. We asked INVEGA not to require certain data somewhere, and it did. Since you really need to take the time to complete them, I suggest you take a couple of days to do it, ”recommended A. Armonaitė.

He said that without the help, he probably would have completed the business support application.

“Only a few things are needed, there is a so-called declaration of SMEs to verify if there are small and medium-sized companies, it is like a requirement of a business plan, but not mandras business plan and under which the company operates.

Of course, this is not a simple form where 1 2 3 and money in your account, but the forms must be completed and INVEGA must ensure the ability to repay that loan. “A lot of data is filled in automatically,” he said.

The minister stated that due to the subsidies, the STI will also inform the companies by email. by mail.

“We have just talked with the director of STI and it will be done,” he said, and regarding INVEGA and the loans, he assured that all the information can be found on his website.

Thousands of companies can benefit

In total, according to A. Armonaitė, thousands of companies will be able to benefit from the subsidies and between 400 and 500 companies will be able to benefit from soft loans.

“Naturally, the loan is such a mechanism that you have to pay it back and have the capacity to do so, and it will not be possible to get this type of loan on the market, I mean interest rates, the maximum is 1.69%, which means makes it very favorable.

Regarding subsidies, the objective is to have a horizontal instrument for those companies whose turnover has fallen by at least 30%, but it is very important that it is linked to the taxes paid, since its size will depend on the PIT paid in 2019. The ceiling will be 25 percent. GPM paid.

In my opinion, since companies receive downtime, there is a tax deferral, we hope that this form of subsidy will help companies to survive this period and we will open with viable companies, ”he said, noting that the maximum amount of the subsidy it is not more than 800 thousand. . EUR.

Now it depends a lot on the GPM paid, the size of the company, but it must be said that those companies that were established when back in 2019 did not pay GPM, or their GPM was less than 2,000. Eur, they receive a grant of 500 Eur. We understand that it is not large, but the principle of distribution of support is such that it is related to the taxes paid ”, said the Minister.

Since one of the criteria, the evaluation of the number of employees, was also eliminated, and it was asked if it would not cause problems if the measure was also available for larger companies, the Minister emphasized that the measure was aimed at small and medium-sized companies .

“We have heard from companies that have more employees, say 267 employees, so the number of potential applicants for this measure will be really higher,” he said.

The Minister specified that the companies will be inspected by the STI and the Business Support Agency for their eligibility for subsidies, and the Ministry of Economy and Innovation will formally approve the beneficiaries.

“The subsidy mechanism is based on trust in companies. This means that it is now January 18, we do not know the figures for the drop in billing on January 31, but the state relies on the commercial statement that billing has fallen by at least 30%, but public authorities are They reserve the right to check before December 1 if the billing has really decreased and, if the opposite turns out, request a refund of this subsidy.

When it comes to loans, the complete evaluation is done by INVEGA, ”he said.

Like now Delphi wrote earlier, support will be provided directly and indirectly to operators affected by quarantine restrictions. Businesses whose 2019 turnover does not exceed LTL 50 million will be eligible for support. The book value of the assets is 43 million euros. euros. State and municipal owned businesses will not be eligible for assistance. Agricultural, fishing, aquaculture, credit and financial institutions will not be eligible.

The second aid package is for small entrepreneurs

Speaking about the second aid package, the minister was asked if 150 million had been found for him. quantity, confirmed this.

“Yes, but now the most important thing is to help those who need it most, those who work in individual activities and business licenses.

We understand that the payment of 260 euros for the Employment Service is not enough if you do not have any savings and cannot work now, we realize that we want to create a new tool that was not in the first quarantine. We have such an instrument, but, like the grant instrument, it will be linked to the EPA.

The next thing will be a market tax refund, it will be. And more tools, I’ll be able to talk about them later, “he said.

The second plan of the aid package is expected to come into operation in the second half of February.

In the first package – 180 mln. EUR

The editorial recalls that the first business support package will total 180 million. € 150 million € 30 million will be allocated for grants. Eur – for soft loans.

The second package of aid, it has been said, will be available to companies in February, and when asked to clarify how it will be, the minister has previously said that it will target the self-employed and will reach 150 million. EUR.

“Currently, the self-employed receive a monthly payment of 260 Eur, I, both as a politician and as a citizen, it is impossible to survive with so much money, so we want to direct the resources we find towards them.

The measure itself will be similar to the subsidy and will be linked to the taxes paid, but I would like to emphasize once again that we will coordinate the final concept of the second package with the social partners, the Prime Minister and we will announce it soon, ”said A. Armonaitė previously.

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