Armonaitė: I think all trading could already work


“In my opinion, the trade could already be fully operational or very carefully outside the catering establishment, but we cannot close our eyes to the double resuscitation beds, for example, in Vilnius. Therefore, we look for other solutions: it is necessary to intensify vaccination, especially for risk groups and the elderly, and that is happening. We need to find solutions for the Passport of Opportunities and, of course, make decisions about commerce and catering “, A. Armonaitė told Knowledge Radio on Wednesday.

“If we had 60 or 70 percent. Vaccinated people aged 65 and over, personally it would be much easier for me to say that it is necessary to open, for example, catering establishments today. We need such indicators. In Vilnius, according to the data from that week, there were already 56 percent. Vaccinated elderly, which are considerable numbers, now they are, of course, even higher. I think the goal is achievable, “added the minister.

Last Wednesday, the government was expected to allow all trade to resume as of April 12, but due to the deteriorating epidemiological situation, it was decided to postpone consideration of the issue. Rūta Vainienė, executive director of the Lithuanian Business Enterprise Association, said at the time that supermarkets were held hostage to the pandemic situation.

At the time, the president of the Lithuanian Bars and Cafes Association, Raimondas Pranka, told Eltai earlier that decisions about opening outdoor terraces should have been made a long time ago. He also said that most concerning are possible restrictions on working hours in preparation for the inauguration.

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