Armonaitė: I don’t want us to go into deeper restrictions


The president of the Freedom Party says the country is in a “very bad situation in terms of health” and now wants to regain control of the pandemic.

“I would not like much that we go to deeper restrictions, I would like us to free ourselves sooner, the people who are worried because they cannot act from today, who want to act from now, would like to go to the other side, but if our curves do not decrease, yes Hospitals will continue to bear the burden in such a way that the lives and health of patients who do not have the disease are in danger, and we will have to continue to take strict measures, ”A. Armonait told News Radio.

Referring to business support, A. Armonaitė stated that the aid package consists of three parts.

First, of course, the tax deferrals, CTI, which used to work, and secondly, the measures of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, which we want to put in place as soon as possible (…), now companies can expect at least 150 million from the start. 30 million euros for grants. “We will still have funds for other measures and we want to direct them to the quarantined businesses,” said A. Armonaitė.

“The third package is the downtime in the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, and here it will be very clear what the downtime will be,” he added.

A. Armonaitė said on Monday that 30% of the subsidies At least 230 million LTL has been provided for companies that have lost their turnover and for soft loans. euros. In addition, separate measures are being considered for the worst affected businesses, tourism and catering, and rental compensation can be expanded.

On Tuesday night, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė told LRT television that if residents do not follow the stricter quarantine regime starting Wednesday, during which many stores and services will be closed, the quarantine requirements may still be more strict. According to her, commerce in grocery stores may be even more restricted.

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