Architect Angry Over Hospital Procurement: Accuses Winner Of Price Dumping, Links With Office of Public Procurement Business


It concerns the purchase, according to which the company would design a medical building on Santariškių street in Vilnius. It is planned to allocate more than 664 thousand. The total area of ​​the building should reach about 11.5 thousand euros. square meter.

“The solid area is 11,500 m2. M., The building – a modern hospital, extremely technologically complex. Even a small spaceship. The estimated price is normal, it is definitely not very high for an object of such complexity and importance”, wrote L. Rekevičius on Facebook.

He noted that there is virtually no requirement for the service provider to have purchasing experience, as are the requirements to have specialists on a team for such a specific project.

This purchase was won by Maspro, who offered to design the building for 145 thousand. euros. Second, the remaining company offered to do so for 226 thousand. euros.

L. Rekevičius pointed out that the company that won the tender used to be called Numigo, and was run by Rūta Alaburdienė, who currently works in the Public Procurement Service. Currently, the director of Maspro is Irmantas Alaburda.

The company is successful in public procurement: last year it won a total of 19 public procurements. According to L. Rekevičius, also due to price dumping.

“My logic is this: I understand that sometimes a large design company can take on a job at low cost if it has a window in workload. It is better to work for less than pay a fortune,” said the architect.

15-minute photo / Helicopter with donor liver landed on the Santariškės ring

15-minute photo / helicopter with donor liver landed on the Santariškės ring

“But with similar dumping, it is impossible to win 19 tenders a year and still have them, or we don’t know anything. My guess is that we do not know that later, during the design process, there will be additional works that are already purchased without bidding, and such additional works must be approved by the Public Procurement Office. Where, as appropriate, the former director of the company works and, anyway, the person who coincides with the rare last name Alaburda. The wheel is closing, “L. Rekevičius wrote on Facebook.

With the person in charge of Maspro I. Alaburda 15 minutes contact failed: business telephones were switched off.

VPN: employee declaring interest

The Office of Public Procurement declares that its employee R. Alaburdienė has declared a relationship with Maspro.

“In the file, an employee of the Prevention and Calls Division of the Public Procurement Service is mentioned, who has declared in the declaration of public and private interests the fact of having relations with the company UAB Maspro. This has been done correctly in accordance with the applicable legislation ”, write the services. 15 minutes in the answer provided.

VPT indicates that R. Alaburdienė has not received orders or participated in the preparation, consideration, decision-making or performance of other official functions that would be related to Maspro’s participation in public procurement.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Public Procurement Office

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Public Procurement Office

The Office states that its management periodically reminds its team of the need to withdraw from the risk of any risk of withdrawal from all activities that may give rise to a conflict of interest and to directly inform the head of the institution of the fact of its withdrawal.

“Employees are also informed about their obligation to complete declarations of private interests in a timely and appropriate manner and update them if necessary. The Office is constantly improving the way employees declare whether they adequately assess and report potential conflicts of interest, or they retire, etc. ”, says the comment.

“Given the current problems, we also emphasize that the mechanism of control and exclusion of the declaration of public and private interests in the VPN will only be further improved,” he said.
