Appreciates more than a graduation diploma: the entrepreneur named which employee skill is most important


E. Muskas announced on his Twitter account that he was looking for a member of the Tesla AI team. He doesn’t care if the prospective employee has a college education, he may not even have finished school, writes the portal.

Tesla is currently working to improve artificial intelligence features that allow Tesla cars to drive without a driver. E. Muskas did not specify what position the employee was looking for, only mentioned that the AI ​​team of developers directly applied for it.

The entrepreneur has published an invitation to a creative workshop with the Tesla AI team: Those who want to get a job can attend. In English, these creative workshops are called “hackathons”, in which the creators work intensively on one project or another. Top tech companies Amazon, Facebook, and Google hold hackathon meetings throughout the year where teams develop new projects. Tesla has also organized creative workshops, one of which took place in 2018. – The goal was to rectify a flaw that had stopped the production of Tesla Model 3 cars.

Appreciates more than a graduation diploma: the entrepreneur named which employee skill is most important

The creative workshop to which M. Muskas has published an invitation takes place at the billionaire’s home, he is believed to be looking for encoders and chip makers.

Diploma – not a guarantee

A Twitter user sarcastically reacted to E. Musko’s recording, asking how long it would take to complete his doctorate studies in the field of artificial intelligence to receive an invitation.

E. Muskas replied that there is no need to be a doctoral student, a person may not have finished school. According to him, it would be enough to know how to create artificial intelligence. True, according to the billionaire, all candidates must pass the test.

This is not the first time that E. Muskas says that scientific titles are not important. 2014 In an interview with Auto Bild, he emphasized that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had never graduated from college. “There is no need to have a college diploma or even a high school diploma,” he said. “If a person graduated from a good university, they can probably do a lot, but that is not a guarantee.”

In that interview, E. Muskas emphasized that he was looking for exceptionally talented employees. “If the CV reflects exceptional achievements, it is likely to be in the future,” he emphasized.

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