Anticovid water: a business plan for Uspaskich and his children?


For the prevention and treatment of the coronavirus, the politician chose Upas mineral water, which is produced by a company closely linked to the sons of the Labor Party Wizard.

Karolina Štelmokaitė, a member of the Kėdainiai Municipal Council representing the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants, shared information about the producers of “anticovid water” and their connections with the politician’s family on the social network Facebook.

“I thought for a few hours to find out what was behind Viktoras Uspaskich’s campaign of the widely publicized ‘anticovid water’: the easy madness of the most famous political figure of Kėdainiai or a very cynical way to earn money easily,” wrote the woman.

Discover the manufacturer

“We obtained the energy code for this virus from China and developed a COVID-19 elimination program. We developed a device that structures water according to the Masaru Emoto method. This water creates cellular immunity and prepares the body to fight COVID-19. “This water is already loaded to overcome 6 strains of coronavirus,” the politician announced this Monday in the social space.

A member of the Kėdainiai City Council stated on his Facebook account that he knew several people who had already received this “magic” water from V. Uspaskich, so he asked to send photos of the bottle. And the Upas mineral water, drawn from a well in Rokiškis and produced by UAB Lamikara, was also registered in Rokiškis. True, the politician pointed out that the message of the leader of the Labor Party about the “magic” water as distributors not only to Labor Party politicians, but also the company’s email “Lamikara”. mail for orders.

“So, let’s go to Rokiškis’ company” Lamikara “. I find that the old Rokiškis district works there. Mayor Antanas Vagonis has been widely promoting Upas mineral water (on one side without the long, on the other with the long Ū ) on its Facebook page since this fall, which has been produced in Rokiškis from a long-standing mineral water well since this fall.

From various publications, as well as articles in the local press, it can be known that the idea of ​​starting a mineral water business in Rokiškis has existed for several decades. UAB Sartai was established in 2006, led by Pranas Blažys (last name heard), but the business did not get involved until then, the aforementioned Lamiraka did not take over. Ice cream obviously broke into the small Lithuanian market this fall, along with the well-known names of mineral water came the “Upas” water drawn from the Upo well. It was practically unknown until last night …

By the way, if you order water through Labor Distributors, you will get it for three times the price. As mentioned, Viktoras sells you half a liter for 1.5 euros, but in some Rokiškis stores you can buy it for only 0.36 euros, which is five times cheaper. Here, in my opinion, a stupid bonus. If you want to buy “magic water” at the price of Rokiškis instead of Vyktaras, go to Rokiškis after the quarantine, where it is distributed in local stores, “K. Štelmokaitė shared the message.

Shareholders – children of V. Uspaskich?

In his recording, K. Štelmokaitė pointed out that it was impossible to find information about the founders of UAB Lamikaros, which produces water announced by V. Uspaskich. However, it turned out that the main shareholder of UAB Lamikaros is a company owned by the sons of the leader of the Labor Party.

Viktor Uspaskich

Viktor Uspaskich

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“Let’s go further, let’s see who the shareholders of UAB Lamikaros are at the moment. And according to the data from the Center of Records, the Edvervita company, registered in Kėdainiai, Didžioji St., owns 90% of the shares of the company. Other 10% is owned by Dalia G. Residents of Kėdainiai know that Edvervita’s company is closely related to Viktor Uspaskich, the company’s board of directors is headed by Viktor’s partner and right-hand man, Juozas Gaidamavičius, who recently resigned from politics active. Indrė Fiodorova, who, according to Viktoras’ announcement, is a “distributor” of water in Kėdainiai).

And so that everything is completely clear to everyone, we asked the Registry Center who the shareholders of Edvervita are: ogi, Julia and Eduard Uspaskichai, sons of Victor from his first marriage, registered in Belarus !!! They own 50 percent each. shares ”, K. Štelmokaitė shared the information.

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