Answer by A. Dulkis to the presidency: no vaccines in warehouses, vaccination rates will increase


On Thursday, the Minister of Health shared a graph on Facebook comparing the vaccination rates of the Baltic countries with COVID-19 vaccines.

The Minister is pleased that Lithuania has come forward.

“The work of the people in the vaccination centers has made us the first among our neighbors. Thanks for vaccinating! ”He thanked.

In the recording, A. Dulkys also recounted the trajectory of vaccines in the country.

“The vaccines delivered to Lithuania are transported to the warehouse of the Health Emergencies Center. The temperature regime is checked during vaccine transport.

After making sure that everything went smoothly during transport, the vaccines are delivered to the vaccination centers. Vaccination is carried out in the centers according to pre-established lists of people (in order of priority).

To date, 215,805 vaccines have been delivered to Lithuania.

Vaccines left in stock – 0.

The first dose was 106,894 and the second was 58,988, ”he said.

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / COVID-19 Vaccination

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / COVID-19 Vaccination

The minister assured that in the future the rate of vaccination will increase in Lithuania, more vaccination centers will appear.

“There are already 74 vaccination centers in Lithuania. They continue the path of 49,923 vaccines for humans these days.

129 vaccination centers are expected to operate in proportion to the increase in the number of vaccines delivered.

Up to 10,000 people are vaccinated per day.

The municipalities, having evaluated their capacities, plan to vaccinate up to 30,000 people per day, ”said A. Dulkys.

The municipalities, having assessed their capacity, plan to vaccinate up to 30,000 people per day in total.

Simonas Krėpšta, the president’s senior adviser, alluded to LRT radio on Thursday about the risk of COVID-19 vaccines accumulating in warehouses if the vaccination rate in Lithuania does not increase in the near future.

According to him, last week he received about 70 thousand. vaccines, there are also preconditions for faster vaccination.

The presidency expects Lithuania to vaccinate 70 percent by mid-summer. its population.
