Another record: 1980 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Lithuania


With test results now automatically linked, data from 702 epidemiological studies has yet to be investigated or entered into the system. This means that it is not yet known under what circumstances or where people were infected. The system shows in which municipalities these people live, but until it is clear if they are infected where their place of residence is declared. For this reason, these epidemiological data are being reviewed. We invite you to follow the data on the map.

Cases in which the circumstances of human infection are not clear, i. and Epidemiological studies have shown that people have not gone abroad, they have not communicated with confirmed cases of COVID-19, 234 registered. However, these figures have not yet been revised, since not all epidemiological studies have been completed .

The NVSC recalls that those who have been confirmed as positive by a PCR test (nasopharynx smear), that is, coronavirus, must be isolated immediately without waiting for a call from NVSC specialists, and must inform the people with whom they have been in contact recently. about potential risks.

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

Outbreak-related cases were registered in Vilnius County on the last day at the Švenčionys District Social Services Center, Ukmergė Non-Stationary Social Services Center, Česlovas Sasnauskas Choir. More than 30 cases of outbreaks in families have also been reported.

In Kaunas County, outbreak-related infection cases were reported in Kaunas clinics, LSMU Kaunas Hospital, Kėdainiai Hospital, Prienai Hospital, Dotnuva Nursing Home in Kėdainiai District, and Prienai Social Services Center el last day.

Outbreak-related cases were registered in Klaipėda county on the last day at Šilutė Hospital, Klaip University Hospital, da, Klaipėda Republican Hospital. Chimney-related cases were also reported in the kindergarten of Klaipėda “Saulutė” school, Klaipėda “Sendvaris” progymnasium.

In addition, on the last day, 12 cases of infection related to the outbreak were recorded in Klaipėda county at the Vilius Gaigalaitis nursing home located in Gargždai, of which 7 people are residents and 5 employees.

Outbreak-related coronavirus cases were reported in Šiauliai County related to Kelmė Hospital, Kelmė Primary Health Care Center, Šiauliai Air Defense Battalion, Šiaulių Street Lighting Company.

In Telšiai county, 12 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded last day, which are related to the outbreak in the Dūseikiai welfare home located in the Telšiai district, all people are residents. According to epidemiologists, another 10 cases are related to the outbreak in the “Esperanza Space” that provides social care services in Mažeikiai, the people are residents. Furthermore, COVID-19 was approved for 3 residents of Telšiai district nursing homes.

Outbreak-related infection cases have also been recorded in Mažeikiai District Municipality, Mažeikiai Primary Health Care Center in Telšiai County.

In Panevėžys County, outbreak-related COVID-19 cases were reported in Pasvalys Primary Health Care Center, Biržai District “Rugelis” Kindergarten, Pasvalys District Krinčinas Nursing Home (2 cases related).

On the last day, an outbreak was registered in Marijampolė county in the Department of Internal Medicine of the Marijampolė Hospital: 7 cases of COVID-19 disease were confirmed, of which 5 are patients and 2 employees. Cases related to outbreaks were also recorded in the Marijampoleros Fire and Rescue Service, in the Ambulance Department of the Vilkaviškis Primary Health Care Center, in the Lietuvos cukrus, Marijampolės pieno konservai companies.

Cases of coronavirus were recorded in Alytus County last day, according to epidemiologists, related to outbreaks at Alytus ambulance station, Alytus kindergarten “Saulutė”, companies “Vilkma”, “Woodworking products”.

Yesterday, in Tauragė county, outbreak-related infection cases were recorded in Jurbarkas, Šilalė, Tauragė hospitals, as well as in the Adakavas welfare home operating in Tauragė district, at the medical service provider “ D. Ugintienė GP office “.

At that time, cases related to the outbreak were registered in the Alėtai Gymnasium of Molėtai District in Utena County (2 related cases).

In Lithuania: 4 deaths from coronavirus

The NVSC reports that it received information from treatment facilities last day about 4 deaths from coronavirus. Currently, the infection has claimed 207 lives.

The first case of death was registered in Klaipeda County. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on November 5.

The second case of death was in Klaipeda County. The person belonged to the age group of 70 to 79 years, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on November 2.

The third case of death was in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the 60 to 69 age group and suffered from chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on November 2.

The fourth death was in Marijampolė County. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 21.

In addition, 2 deaths were recorded yesterday (in Kaunas and Klaipėda counties), when those infected with the coronavirus died for other reasons.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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