Another Power Hit Radio employee was infected with the coronavirus: they told him the first signs


He reported it on the social network.

(16 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Another Power Hit Radio employee was infected with the coronavirus: they told him the first signs

“Those who wait a long time get it – COVID-19 FOUND.

Those who have been in contact with me, have been in contact and have been in a common room for a long time, please follow your well-being and if something like a cold starts, contact the COVID-19 line – 1808 – to ask what you are complaining about and then decide if you need a test. You can also take the test in private clinics, it is paid (70 – 80 euros). It’s not as scary as everyone here draws.

DO NOT TEST EARLY – there may be a negative response and the virus will only be activated later. This will take you to events, visit your grandparents, and spread the virus, thinking you are healthy and safe. According to the National Center for Public Health, CONTACT is when you are in a close environment with a person for about 15 minutes, then think again about what was so common with me: follow wellness and bake cakes at home on the weekend, take the sun on the balcony, nothing in the bathroom.

I would infect myself, probably on Friday. I was already thinking on Monday that I had a cold from the air conditioning after the weekend. Then the fever started, a slight tickling in the throat, headache, absolutely the same symptoms that are talked about. Health center staff say that the most common symptoms occur within the first week, but there are cases, even after a long period of time.

It seems I have written as much as I know. I am making a list of the people I have interacted with during the last week, if you are also requesting it, please contribute ” Facebook wrote S. Baniulis.

The news portal recalls that Saulius Baniulis, director of the Power Hit Radio program, has confirmed that Rūta Žibaitytė has contracted the coronavirus.

“COVID is approved for an employee of Power Hit Radio. All radio equipment was immediately isolated. Since the beginning of the coronavirus, we prepare for such a situation; we prepare appropriate internal procedures and work with the highest safety requirements: staff contacts, departments are isolated, masks are worn, etc. And now we are resolving the situation according to the above procedure and taking all measures to ensure employee safety, “a public comment on the situation was posted on Power Hit Radio.

The coronavirus was detected in an employee of Power Hit Radio, confirmed Tuesday the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) the BNS.

“We have information about this new case, but I cannot comment in detail yet because it is still being investigated by epidemiologists. As the case is new, it is not yet included in today’s statistics,” the NVSC representative told BNS on Tuesday, Justina Petravičienė.

It is true that S. Baniulis is in self-isolation and has not worked since Tuesday, when R. Žibaitytė received a positive coronavirus test.

The facilities of the Power Hit radio station are disinfected in accordance with all NVSC recommendations. After learning that R. Žibaityte had been diagnosed with coronavirus, all the people who had contacted her underwent a coronavirus test. All except S. Baniulis received negative responses.
