Another important step brought I. Brazdeikis closer to Lithuanian citizenship


The amendments to the Citizenship Law passed by the Seimas established that a person who acquired Lithuanian citizenship by birth can have dual citizenship, and citizenship of another state was acquired by birth before the age of 18.

124 members of the Seimas voted in favor of this amendment to the Citizenship Law and it will enter into force on January 1, 2021.

The amendment to the Citizenship Law will perfectly solve situations like that of Ignas Brazdeikis, when a three-year-old boy born in Kaunas and with Lithuanian citizenship left Lithuania for Lithuania with his parents. The basketball player lived and trained there.

“I thank the President of the Republic of Lithuania and the Basketball Federation for their help in realizing the dream. My dream has always been to play for Lithuania, because this is my homeland. Not only was I born here, but my entire family is from Lithuania and my mother tongue is Lithuanian.

I could have grown up in any corner of the world, but deep down I am Lithuanian. It means a lot to me if I could play for the country together with my compatriots and show the Lithuanian flag, ”Ignas Brazdeikis said on

The basketball player had already sent all the necessary documents to the Presidency and requested citizenship of our country, which, exceptionally, the President may grant. Once the amendments to the laws come into force, Ignas Brazdeikis will have to submit an application to the Lithuanian Migration Department.

Ignas Brazdeikis, who understands Lithuanian fluently, represented the University of Michigan in the NCAA Championship. The 201 cm tall forward scored 14.8 points, bounced 5.4 balls and provided 0.8 assists. The NBA basketball player currently represents the New York Knicks.
