Another good sign: Moderna advertises about 95 percent. the effectiveness of the vaccine


This is another sign that active efforts by scientists and pharmaceutical companies to develop a pandemic containment tool as soon as possible are producing the desired results.

Just a week ago, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE welcomed similar progress, saying they had discovered that the possible vaccine they were developing for the new coronavirus was more than 90% effective.

Both vaccines are based on RNA technology and have never before been used in an approved vaccine.

Preliminary data obtained from more than 30 thousand. The volunteers revealed that a possible vaccine developed by Moderna prevented all symptomatic cases of COVID-19, the company said in a statement released Monday.

Only five volunteers became ill after receiving two doses of the test vaccine. In volunteers treated with placebo, 90 cases of the new coronavirus were reported, according to the findings of an independent data safety monitoring board appointed by the U.S. Institutes of Health.

In addition, the vaccine successfully prevents the most serious cases of COVID-19. None of those who received the test vaccine became seriously ill. Eleven volunteers who received placebo injections were seriously ill, according to a report published by Moderna.

