Another day off is being considered: politicians propose not to eliminate them, but to add more


Valdemaras Tomaševskis, President of the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign – Kirkšionion Family Union (LLRA-KŠS), commenting on the situation, states that there can be no talk of removing a day from the list of non-working days at the expense of adding other days . He adds that in general Lithuania could legalize more holidays.

“The more days off, the better. I don’t think there are too many holidays in Lithuania. In general, the world is moving in the direction of declaring a holiday Friday, at least for some professions. This is due to the high pace of life, people are losing health and need to rest. So an extra day doesn’t mean anything. (ELTA per year) could be free for up to 20 days, “said V. Tomaševskis.

However, one of the founders of the January 13 project, Laurynas Kasčiūnas, a member of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union (TS-LKD) faction, tends to disagree. The MP says that each extra day of work adds additional strain to the state’s economy.

“It just came to our attention then. Statistics show that we already have almost the highest number of days off among EU countries, and if we add one more day, we will become leaders. This, of course, has its cost for the state economy, since 40-50 million are deducted for a day of unemployment. euros. Not a laugh, so I think I need compensation or an exchange mechanism. Therefore, I would also appreciate the speech of Valdemaras Tomaševskis as a bit populist, “said L. Kasčiūnas.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP), Gintautas Paluckas, opposes this idea, stating that there is no need to legalize a new holiday at all. Although he supports V. Tomaševskis’s idea that more days off could be given to people. However, as a better alternative to celebrating the holidays, he names longer annual festivals, during which, according to him, people could have a better quality rest. Furthermore, according to G. Paluckas, national holidays can be commemorated successfully without making them public holidays.

“We can and we have the right to establish national holidays that are important to the state, during which we do not work, but we must also think that someone has to work. In terms of several additional days off, a real alternative could be a longer annual vacation for individuals. This is a higher quality break.

And when it comes to vacations, they don’t need a day off at all. So far we have celebrated the best on January 13, we went to make bonfires and we celebrate this day in a different way. So perhaps we shouldn’t cut back on a false additional non-working day, but rather add additional days to annual leave, or for individual groups particularly suffering from that potential burnout syndrome. This is normal practice, “Paluck said.

There is disagreement on the importance of May 1 in Lithuania

Already at the beginning of the year, a proposal was put forward to declare Unemployment Day on January 13 at the expense of May 1. However, trade unionists opposed this and the Tripartite Council proposed that January 13 be declared Labor Day instead of the Late Day of November 2.

As one of the initiators of the January 13 project, L. Kasčiūnas claims that May 1, International Labor Day, is less important to the state than All Souls’ Day and January 13.

“First of all, I find it strange that we are counting the thirtieth year of the independence of Lithuania and that January 13 has not yet been declared a holiday. It was on this day that a turning point in Lithuania’s modern history took place, when the West finally realized that the Lithuanian nation wanted to have independence. This is the day of moral victory.

However, it is natural to think of trading (non-working days – ELTA). Of all those existing non-working days, however, I would be inclined to think of May 1. First of all, May 1 does not have very deep traditions in our nation, secondly, for a part of society, this day is also associated with the Soviet era. The commemoration of this day was imposed, it was dominated by many Soviet symbols, much red. So, I think the importance cannot even be compared to May 1 with January 13.

As for All Souls, people want to visit the graves of their parents and ancestors and after all visit the graves of the guerrillas on this day. I think it is a day of unemployment more necessary for society, ”said L. Kasčiūnas.

He was seconded by Agnė Širinskienė, a member of the Lithuanian Green and Peasants Union (LVŽS) faction, who said that if he had to choose between abandoning All Souls’ Day or May 1, to legalize January 13 as day off, I would choose to leave on May 1. .

“If I had to make a personal decision, I would probably suggest giving up on May 1. “It is necessary to assess how important May Day is for our culture, which for some is probably associated with the Soviet era, and how important Late Day is for us, during which many people visit the graves of their loved ones. “, said.

However, Paluck argues that declaring January 13 a public holiday instead of May 1 would be foolish, since the holiday is important all over the world. Furthermore, it emphasizes that even if the three aforementioned holidays lost their non-working day status, their traditions and the importance of the commemoration would not change in any way.

“I would consider the announcement of January 13 as a day of unemployment rather than May 1 as a great stupidity, because May 1 is associated with the Soviet era only in Lithuania. But it is a global celebration of workers, and on that day several achievements in the field of human rights and industrial relations are commemorated and appreciated. I don’t see a problem if both January 13 and May 1 are business days. However, the achievements that people have been striving for for a century would be mentioned. “I could say the exact same thing about All Souls,” said G. Paluckas.

ELTA recalls that the government approved last week a proposal to declare January 13 – Defenders of Freedom Day – as a day off.

The Cabinet of Ministers recommends announcing a new day off instead of the day off on November 2, because, according to the Government, Lithuania already has many public holidays, which has a negative effect on the economy.
Lithuania currently has 16 public holidays. According to the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, only Bulgaria and Hungary have both public holidays in the European Union, and the general average of public holidays in the European Union is 12.

President Gitanas Nausėda has said that he supports the declaration of January 13 as Unemployment Day.

“Yes, I agree with the announcement of January 13 as a non-working day,” said G. Nausėda on Monday in Birštonas.

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