Angry anti-waxers began to persecute politicians: a committee member was threatened with hanging


Raimondas Grinevičius, a representative of the Lithuanian Family Movement, wears a mask of North Korean leader Kim Jong Uno in Kalvarija municipality and is trying to discuss with Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, who visited the vaccination sites of the two municipalities of Kalvarija, Lazdijai and Druskininkai. Weeks ago: now I realize that you have a feeling of fear, you have not lost your mind. “

A group of angry people pour their anger on Dulkis with a rooster of threats: “You understand that today will be the last arrival in Druskininkai, the next day you will be afraid to go with the people. This terrorism ends, whoever wants to, gets vaccinated, whoever wants, gets sick. “

This is not the first time that Dulkys has been in different regions of Lithuania. The anti-wax is not convinced by any of the minister’s arguments.

“They tell me to go out and talk to someone. Well, you know, when the people in their hands are almost “British”, with poles, bricks, shots, that discussion is interesting. It’s getting uncomfortable because officials are being harassed, there have already been strange signs in many cities, ”says A. Dulkys.

Dustys explains that not only he, but his entire family, the daughters suffer aggression and anger.

“Aggression, rage. The form of discussion is strangely understood as the need to terrorize family members, housewives, children. The culture of discussion is strange, ”says A. Dulkys.

Arūnas Dulkys received the second vaccine against AstraZeneca

Attack and threaten not only Arūnas Dulkis

Angry blood thinners don’t just attack A. Dulkis. The family of Jurgita Sejonienė, a doctor and member of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, is threatened. They sound like this:

“It’s better to go to the vet for heart surgery than to patch a cabaret whore. Bull sure? Have you seen videos of people being beaten? Are your children safe?

“We will remember your name and the merits you have done. The list goes on, people see it. Do you think you will live in peace?

“Those rotten members of the Seimas who force children to get vaccinated will burn in hell. Have a nice day.”

The Seimas member J. Sejonienė herself affirms: “Dig, kill, recover for your black works. I have also received messages that are a direct threat to my children, here I was not so tolerant, I had to contact the police ”.

J. Sejonienė

Another member of the Seimas, the conservative Linas Slušnys, showing his e-mail box, says that antivaksx letters can be counted by the dozen every day. From the longest letters to the short messages for the wife.

“He wrote that you have to handle your husband, because this b, k, whatever the words are, he’s a scoundrel, take it now. Here are the gentlemen of the show, where the son says if you saw what the gentlemen of the show write there, because he is a computer specialist ”, says L. Slušnys.

Conservative Antanas Matulas, who visited Joniškėlis hospital in Pasvalys district on August 12, also did not escape the conflict.

Other politicians are also under threat. Aušrinė Armonaitė warns that antivaksxis are especially active before and after rallies: “Now I don’t even read, everything becomes ‘spam’, and if you want to read, that’s enough on Facebook.”

“Maybe I only gave it to the police officers once, filling out a statement in the electronic police. There was a video of a specific person with all kinds of threats, wishes to die. As far as I know, that man received a fine, “says A. Veryga.

R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific management measures for COVID-19 “target =” _ self “rel =” nofollow “target =” _ blank “> R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific measures for the management of COVID-19

Officials monitor who is wasting threats

The situation is constantly monitored by the Management Security Service, which constantly watches over state leaders and other important objects. Before the pandemic, in 2019, officials recorded around 150 cases of having to pay attention to people’s behavior, threats.

Emilija Garbaliauskaitė, representative of the Management Security Service, states: “There is an increase in such threatening messages. And that increase is noticeable not only now, but also during quarantine. Compared to 2019, 2020, the number of people communicating more aggressively has doubled and similar trends will persist into 2021. “

The police do not particularly protect ministers traveling in Lithuania, but officials always try to ensure public order if there are suspicions of possible conflicts. As a result, A. Dulkis’ visits to Lithuania are often accompanied by police teams.

Marijus Macis, Head of the Šiauliai City and District Police Station, says: “When officers of this rank arrive in the territory served by the police station, in principle, more attention is always paid. Attracting more forces ensures that public order. We take into account the specific situation, the current situation, the potential threats. “

Currently, the police have no information and have not commented on the pre-trial investigations into threats against politicians for antivirals.
