Angora even ships special sizes for goat wool products from India


More than two years ago, the text written on the Facebook account of Gražina, Beata’s mother, was not read by Santa, to whom the letter was addressed, but by her daughter.

It took me a lot of effort and intense search to make my mother’s dream come true. Well, in 2019. In October, the first five Angora goats arrived at his farm: Inca, Hati, Jenny, Gillian and Jack.

The dream came true

“Mom wanted to raise angora goats and I couldn’t be indifferent when I saw the letter to Santa,” said Beata. Thus began the story of the first Angora goats settled in the Panevėžys district and throughout Lithuania.

Goat farming, spinning and weaving, according to one woman, is a hobby she actually spends more time than her usual free time. Angora goats are a breed native to Turkey and are bred for their exceptional wool. His character is quite similar to that of dogs, he gets along well with children.

“They do not need special care, but it is important to have more minerals in the food. It is also necessary to take more care of the nails for which the Lithuanian soil is too soft. We cut goats twice a year: in autumn and spring. We also bathe them in a stream once a year. You have to cut the curls from the eyes, because they are so long that the goats can no longer see well and hit the trees, ”said the goat farmer.

Educational programs

“My mother and I work on their own wool. We cut them, then we spin them, we knit them. We also welcome curious people who want to get acquainted with this variety, its wool and spinning craft. It is especially fun for children to get acquainted with the rural world of wildlife, because not every child in town has seen a goat. Even a rare adult distinguishes an angora goat from a sheep, “said the goat farmer.

Beata organizes educational programs on the farm, which are especially invited to kindergartens or schoolchildren. “It’s not only fun for them to meet the animals, but also to run around the meadow with them,” he laughed.

Measurements from the outside

The wool products made by these women are exceptional. They send tools and tools for spinning and weaving even from abroad: Ukraine, Russia, India, England, France. “For example, we ship silk from India.

It is very expensive in Lithuania, so it is better to send it from abroad. Provides softness to our products. The new spinning machine is from England. This wheel is much more modern, so working with it is much easier and faster. It is controlled by two legs, ”explained Beata.

When asked how to separate such a large number of goats, the woman assured that when it is raised, fed, loved and cared for, it is very easy to separate. He also revealed that names are spontaneously made up for all pets.

“Whoever shoots the head first is chosen,” he said.

Those who want to come to the farm voluntarily leave a symbolic amount next to the entrance of the farm: “Last year we set prices, but this year we think it would be much better when visitors throw the amount themselves, which does not make them regret.”

Expensive pleasure

Goat farming, spinning and weaving, according to one woman, is a hobby she actually spends more time than her usual free time.

“This activity calms me, inspires me, allows me to forget, relax, rest my head. It’s a pleasure, “said Beata.

It is true that it is a precious pleasure. An angora goat costs around a thousand euros and, as mentioned, various spinning tools from abroad also have to slim your pocket.

However, this wool is highly valued. It is used to make gloves, socks, scarves, and other warming items. Puppeteers also buy goat curls.

“They make wool hair for dolls. It took a year to grow the wool of a goat to fit into the coffers of the dolls. Well, we dye this wool in different ways: chemical or natural. Natural dyes can be, for example, oak bark. Well, for her to be able to dye the wool, she has to keep it in the dye for about a day. With chemical paints, everything is faster, a couple of hours is enough ”, explained Beata.
