Andrius Tapinas became the manager of the night bar in Vilnius: “I am going back to this business again” | Deal


“It just caught our eye then. My beloved cocktail house” Salionas “celebrates her sixth birthday tonight and says goodbye at the same time – Gabija Milašiūtė, the former manager of” Salionas “from day one, waves her hand, holds up a cup of memories and good times and pass “Salionas” to the new owner.

But everything has a beginning. Denying the idea of ​​not entering the same river twice, I go back to this business and become the new owner of Salion. After all, if you wanted to have a bar somewhere, just in the Union Writers Palace, full of stories and adventures. I hope that by keeping the best traditions of “Salion” and adding new ones, we can make this legendary place one that not only Paulius Širvys or Ričardas Gavelis, but also Nakis Tompson is proud to visit. Who knows, understands what I want to say and what I want to do.

And tonight: cocktails, farewells and greetings, “Andrius Tapinas wrote on the social network.

15 minutes remember that Andrius Tapinas Once the Stars restaurant is open on Vilnius Islandijos street. It was opened in late 2005 together with chef Mantas Mozūra.

However, A. Tapinas has owned the Stars restaurant for just half a year – he sold the shares. Andrius based his decision on the fact that he could no longer combine the work of a journalist and a businessman, and there was a threat of conflict of interest. He felt pressure from the restaurant management to show favor on the television screen to people who were helpful to the restaurant.

ALSO READ: Lithuanian Celebrity Failures in Restaurant Business: Bankruptcy, Extinct Love, Conflict of Interest
