Andrius Lobovas was also arrested for causing disturbances near the Seimas


Arrested at his home in Jonava

Lobov was arrested on a Wednesday night on the street near his home in Jonava. At the same time, Vilnius police officers detained Antanas Kandrotas.

According to sources, A. Lobov was detained for at least 48 hours. on the ongoing pre-trial investigation in relation to the demonstration held in the Seimas on 10 August, which later escalated into riots. His house was searched.

The investigation of the disturbances near the Seimas is carried out by the Organized Crime Investigation Board of the Vilnius County Criminal Police.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15 min photo / Andrius Lobovas during the riots near the Seimas

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15 min photo / Andrius Lobovas during the riots near the Seimas

The former car thief became an active participant in the protests

Andrius Lobovas introduces himself as a tattoo artist.

He used to be an active participant in events in Garliava. He said that Deimantė Kedytė was his daughter.

Twice convicted of car theft. He had also been sentenced to a year and a half in prison for illegally collecting information about people.

Conspiracy theories are shared on social media: about the harm of 5G communication for human health, the origin of vaccines, etc. One of the most active opponents of COVID-19 vaccines.

Fan of Nazi symbolism. He has a tattoo of an image of Hitler on his shoulder. He had a car with a swastika and other Nazi symbols.

August 10 during the demonstration and riots, he also decorated his phone with Nazi symbols.

2016 received 50 days in prison for disturbing public order. However, A. Lobov had not yet expired his probation, for which he was given a total of 60 days in detention and 3.7 thousand. a fine of EUR.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Andrius Lobovas

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Andrius Lobovas

The demonstration turned into riots

15 minutes remember that on August 10, around 5 thousand. People had gathered before the Seimas to protest against the government’s restrictions on people who are not immune to the coronavirus and who are not testing. Later, the demonstration turned into riots.

A total of 38 people were charged with allegations of the riots near the Seimas on August 10, the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office announced last week.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the 38 suspects are subject to non-custodial preventive detention measures: a written commitment not to leave and the seizure of an identity document.
