An unusual shipment arrived in Lithuania from Belarus: the owner receives a fine of one thousand and one confiscation


And the Vilnius Regional Court decided to confiscate the puppies, pets, which have already been given names: Diana, Babelis, Arčikas, Bakkardas and Alanas, benefited by the state.

Judge Nijolė Žimkienė, who examined the administrative misdemeanor case, decided to confiscate the puppies taking into account the complaint from the customs representative: the Vilnius Regional District Court, which had previously made the decision, had decided to return the pets to Alina Šilina from Vilnius. It is true that 1.2 thousand were also assigned. a fine of EUR.

‘A. By importing mismarked and identified puppies from Belarus to the Republic of Lithuania, Šilina violated the requirements of animal health legislation aimed at ensuring the protection of public and animal health from the risks associated with transporting pets for non-commercial purposes. commercial “, – the customs complaint stated that it was necessary for the purposes of administrative sanction to guarantee the public health and safety of companion animals.

According to the data in the case, it was established that on September 30, around 2.30 p.m., A. Šilina arrived at the Medininkai border post driving a Toyota Prius and verbally declared that he was transporting five puppies for non-commercial purposes.

During the customs inspection, it was established that the animals can be transported for commercial purposes, so the veterinarians at the Medininkai Border Veterinary Post of the State Food and Veterinary Service were informed. A vet on duty at the post that day inspected the pets and found that they did not meet legal requirements for identification documents and were incorrectly labeled because the transponder (called a microchip) was attached to the dog’s hair rather than implanted underneath. the skin.

In addition, the veterinarian pointed out that the documents provided by the driver “Veterinary passport for dogs” can be used as vaccination certificates, but they are not suitable for travel within the Member States of the European Union (EU) or for entry to States. EU members from third countries.

The puppies carried by the woman were temporarily detained, each valued at 800 euros.

As Arūnas Samulis, deputy director of Vilnius Territorial Customs, A. Šilina, who brought dogs from Belarus to Lithuania, told the court, stated in her explanation that she “has a kennel”, but on the publicly published list of Veterinary Control Entities maintained by the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS). the commercial pet breeding place is not approved and is not registered as a pet breeder.

An unusual shipment arrived in Lithuania from Belarus: the owner receives a fine of one thousand and one confiscation


‘A. Šilina’s registration as a pet breeder was revoked by the SFVS Vilnius State Food and Veterinary Service in 2016 and 2017, and it is currently not registered as a pet breeder, ”the customs representative noted.

According to him, pets that are brought to Lithuania should be marked, vaccinated against rabies and examined for this disease by means of a rabies antibody titer test.

“There is no evidence that the transported puppies have been vaccinated against rabies, and Mr Šilina has not provided the puppies with the required veterinary certificate for non-EU-born dogs or the pet passport that can be presented with the puppies. Before departure, a pet passport was issued, ”explained A. Sarulis to the court.

It is also important that the woman transporting the puppies had provided markings on their vaccinations, but an interview with the vet revealed that she had not provided such services and that the records did not. It is true that an examination carried out at a veterinary clinic revealed that the vaccines had been used on other dates to vaccinate and treat pets other than those provided by Mr Šilina and that the records had not been made by a doctor.

The customs representative also indicated that puppies imported from Belarus could not be returned to this country, as the animals were imported by a Lithuanian citizen without a veterinary certificate and puppy identification documents (passports), without which it would not be possible to determine the pet’s owner and country of permanent residence.

Judge N. Žimkienė, who agreed with the statements indicated by the customs officials, pointed out that A. Šilina, who brought the dogs to Lithuania, did not ensure the requirements of protection and welfare of the animals, therefore, of According to the law, an administrative sanction must be applied: the confiscation of five dogs.

According to the court, the woman who appeared in court during the trial indicated that she was not the owner of the puppies, which belonged to someone else.

“A letter from the Department of Veterinary and Food Control of the Ministry of Agriculture of Belarus states that the indicated puppy microchip numbers have not been issued in the Republic of Belarus, they start with the numbers 112 (276 imported),” the judge noted .

In addition, according to her, the court of first instance, without ordering the confiscation of animals, relied on A. Šilina’s explanations that she takes care of the detained puppies, brings them food and pigs, but the SFVS stated that the woman did not provides food to detained pets.

“Pets in detention must first be vaccinated against rabies and quarantined for at least 21 days,” the judge stressed. – Since A. Šilina may not be the owner of the puppies and is not registered as a pet breeder, prolonged keeping of pets detained at the Medininkai border veterinary post may adversely affect their health and it is difficult to guarantee their stay long-term. their welfare, the animals should be confiscated ”, – the court declared in the final order that the application of the confiscation of puppies is necessary for the purposes of the administrative sanction, as well as to guarantee the health of the pets.

According to the court, the application of such an administrative sanction is proportional to the crime committed.

The puppies confiscated by the court have passed to the state, so now they will have to be taken care of by Customs, who will have to notify the decision to the State Fiscal Inspection, and then it will be decided what to do with them. Typically, in such situations, the animals are confined to an animal shelter and then sold at auction or given free to new custodians.

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