An unexpected twist in the Pravieniškės mafia case: Aidelis, released, is arrested again, suspected of intending to flee Lithuania


At the time, A. Kupčiūnas justified that he did not intend to flee the country, he could have done so earlier if he wanted to, and he needed personal documents when requesting medical help due to his deteriorating health condition.

However, such arguments did not convince not only the Vilnius Regional Court that heard the Pravieniškės mafia case, which decided to arrest A. Kupčiūnas for three months, but also the judges of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal, who examined the complaint. from Aidel’s defense attorney on the strictest measure of detention.

According to the judges, A. Kupčiūnas was received by medical personnel and provided assistance without an identity document, and when he requested the Immigration Department to issue new documents, A. Kupčiūnas provided false information that his identity card had been lost, although it is really protected. Mafia case ”. Furthermore, according to the court, A. Kupčiūnas could not explain why he needed a passport.

Employees of the Kaunas section of the Migration Department issued an identity card to A. Kupčiūnas as a matter of urgency, within one day, and immediately informed the Vilnius Regional Court, which is examining the criminal case of the Pravieniškės mafia.

The judges immediately reacted to this report by holding a court hearing to discuss the question of changing the preventive measure for A. Kupčiūnas. Prosecutors supporting the state indictment also thought that the defendants should be arrested, who did not doubt that Aidelis, who was suspected of being the leader of a criminal association operating at the Pravieniškės Penitentiary Center, was going to fly from Lithuania. .

The judges who heard the criminal case released A. Kupčiūnas, who had been detained for four years, in November last year; the arrest was changed to more lenient pre-trial detention measures: intensive supervision for six months, forcing A. Kupčiūnas to use an electronic surveillance device and not leave home, unless related to attendance at court hearings and it does not involve going to medical institutions. In addition, an identity card was taken from A. Kupčiūnas, the court allocated 50 thousand. a guarantee of EUR. Relatives paid this amount for A. Kupčiūnas.

As A. Kupčiūnas violated the preventive detention measures imposed on him, the court that examined the Pravieniškės mafia case decided not only to arrest the accused, but also to confiscate 50,000 for the benefit of the State. Deposit in euros.

An unexpected twist in the Pravieniškės mafia case: Aidelis, released, is arrested again, suspected of intending to flee Lithuania

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to the court, A. Kupčiūnas had seriously violated the conditions of intensive supervision; furthermore, there is a real risk that the defendant “may and may plan to flee (hide) from court.”

Simonas Slapšinskas, defense lawyer for A. Kupčiūnas, considered a murderer of the Pruleiškės mafia and did not agree with such court decision, filed a complaint, after which the appellate court judges determined that the most serious detention measure was justified against Kaunas, accused of very serious and serious crimes. However, the court ruled that 50,000 were confiscated for the unjustified benefit of the State. EUR.

“The decision or order of preventive detention must indicate that the accused has been explained his obligation to appear before an investigating officer, prosecutor, judge or court, not to obstruct the process, not to commit new crimes and that he or she promises to fulfill this duty and the bailiff is warned “If the suspect does not fulfill this duty, the bond will be transferred to the state”, – according to the judges, A. Kupčiūnas fulfilled this duty and

However, according to the judges, this violation did not impede the course of the process: the police authorities responded promptly, the accused did not flee, he was not wanted, and the trial was not interrupted or delayed.

‘TO. Although the behavior of Kupčiūnas justifies the detention, it does not comply with the cases provided by law, when the bail becomes the property of the State ”, the judges of the court of appeal ordered the return of the bail to the person who paid it.

According to the judges, A. Kupčiūnas had seriously violated the conditions of the preventive detention measures: intensive supervision and confiscation of the document: “After evaluating that the defendant A. Kupčiūnas submitted an application to the Migration Department with 2020 January 5 he lost a police office and when applying for a passport necessary to travel abroad (third countries), taking into account the stage of the trial, there are reasons to believe that the defendant A. Kupčiūnas may try to flee (hide) from the court “, that the court that heard of the Pravieniškės Mafia case reasonably changed the lenient detention measures imposed on A. Kupčiūnas to three years’ detention.

At the time, S. Slapšinskas, a defense attorney for A. Kupčiūnas, stated that the court that heard the case allowed the defendant to go to medical institutions, but that he did not have an identity document and without him the health services would not be able to have been foreseen.

When asked why he applied to the Kaunas section of the Migration Department for the issuance of documents without informing the court, A. Kupčiūnas said he was “upset about his health” but could not explain why he needed a passport without a document of identity. .

The lawyer S. Slapšinskas is convinced that “for such a violation that did not cause formal consequences”, the court should have issued a warning to A. Kupčiūnas, and not the most severe measure of preventive detention for the maximum period provided by law. And his appointment, according to the defense attorney, “eventually further contributed to the deterioration of A. Kupčiūnas’ health condition”, so that several court hearings in the “Pravieniškės Mafia” case had to be canceled.

The court has also released other defendants, Artūras Račkelis and Andrius Obelieniai, who were also assigned to a group operating in Pravieniškės. They also received intensive care, in addition, A. Račkelis and A. Obelienius have paid 30 thousand. Deposits in euros.

The defendants were released because the main witnesses and victims have already been questioned in the case, as well as state-protected and anonymous witnesses who testify about possible crimes at the Pravieniškės Penitentiary Center.

The Pravieniškės Mafia case is already being examined in court by a second panel of judges: after several dozen witnesses and victims were questioned, two judges were transferred to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal.

Fifteen current and former prisoners and Evaldas Baronėnas, an official of the Criminal Intelligence Division working in Pravieniškės, were prosecuted for crimes committed in Pravieniškės. None of them admit the complaints made.

During the pre-trial investigation, it was established that E. Baronėnas, a criminal intelligence specialist who was obliged to supervise the convicted, went together with the “guests of the chamber”, not only provided them with secret information, but also allowed them dealing in drugs. , but also provided them. And better than the prisoners, he is suspected of controlling the lives of other prisoners for up to six years: deciding who should be a “bachuru”, who as “dūchu” or “rooster”, dealing in drugs, alcohol, telephones and various prohibited items. in captivity without restrictions.

The inmates of Pravieniškės were beaten not only with specially made metal rods, which they kept in their beds throughout the day, but also with electrical cables. However, they all seemed to agree silently: they were afraid of being crippled or even killed. Because there have already been cases of this type.

All of these unwritten laws in the area were well known to the staff at Pravieniškės Prison, who were supposed to supervise and help convicts recover, but they were usually closed before crimes committed in the prison.

In this case, several convicts were acquitted because they agreed to cooperate with law enforcement during the pre-trial investigation and discovered a series of crimes committed in the area. There are also several classified witnesses in the case: Most of the prisoners at the correctional facility avoided contact with officials for fear of retaliation. In addition, according to the unwritten rules of the area, royal “bachurs” are not allowed to communicate with law enforcement, nor are they prohibited from answering questions from officials. And many of those who were sent to serve their sentences by the court wanted to become “bachuras” in correctional facilities.

According to data collected during the pre-trial investigation, some inmates even agreed to pay taxes just to live with those who run the prison. However, those convicts were immediately caught: if you had already agreed to pay, you would never be a “bachur”, even if someone from the criminal world in general interceded for you. True “bachurs” never pay, and when they do pay, they can become “dukes” or “roosters” at any time.

In the case of the Pravieniškės Mafia Association, the court explains not only how prisoners were terrorized and trafficked in drugs, but also how a prisoner was killed. He sympathized in 2015. Deimantas Bugavičius, a member of the “Agurkiniai” group, was shot in Kaunas, who with his friend was unofficially leading the group of prisoners at the time. D. Bugavičius in 2012. He suffered a real humiliation when he lost the position of leader: A. Kupčiūnas, a convict of a much lower level in the criminal world, took power from him.

In the eyes of other prisoners, D. Bugavičius, humiliated for a long time, resounded the plan of revenge – although he had lost his authority, a member of the Agurkiniai group was able to unite the prisoners who supported him, who soon fought back and dealt with A Kupčiūnas, who became a “guest of the chamber.”

Participants in a criminal organization can face up to fifteen years in prison for the crimes charged and life imprisonment for the organizers and leaders of the association.

About the events in Pravieniškės Delphi Special correspondent Dainius Sinkevičius has published a book “Pravieniškės Mafia”. The author’s new book “Police Gods” has also appeared in bookstores, exploring the connections between the criminal world and law enforcement officials. The exceptional story of the policemen has almost 400 pages in the book “Police Gods”, which is already available in bookstores, as well as online at the publisher “Baltos lankos”, the largest online bookstore and other points of interest. distribution.

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