An unexpected blow for Lithuanian criminals hiding in England: new tactics are already paying off


Lists of the most wanted criminals are often made public, but this time a new path has been chosen.

“People generally go public when they don’t know where they are. Then someone will most likely say they’ve seen it in Germany, the United States, or elsewhere, and then narrow down their search area.

This time, we decided to change the tactics a bit and make a list of the most wanted people who are probably in the UK. It was determined work, which focused on locating, detaining and extraditing these people to Lithuania, ”said Delfi L. Pernavas.

Dangerous criminals did not escape justice

This tactic paid off and in half a year we managed to stop half of the Lithuanians on the list. These are dangerous criminals, and some of them have been successfully hiding for years. For example, the search for one of the detainees began in 2014.

“One of the detainees has been wanted since 2019. for illicit possession of drugs for distribution and sentenced to 13 years in prison, he was recognized as a repeat offender. Another of the subjects wanted for 6 crimes was drug distribution, health disorder and homicide for Negligence. Another has been wanted since 2015, has been sentenced to a year and a half in prison, and has even been issued two European arrest warrants, “said L. Pernavas, who played the captured criminals.

“These people should not have escaped justice, and the best prevention is the inevitability of punishment. These people need to know that they must look over their shoulders because they are going to be arrested,” added the interlocutor.

Linas Pernavas

Linas Pernavas

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

This success is the result of complex and determined work. The UK Police Attaché coordinated cooperation between Lithuanian law enforcement and British officials.

“That tactic, not trying to do everything, but focusing on a specific group, produced results,” Pernav said.

You had to be careful

Some of the wanted criminals followed a special conspiracy, constantly changing their place of residence and surnames. Arresting them was not easy.

“In some cases it was difficult to trace, in other cases the person tried to avoid arrest. Not everything was easy, but everything went well because you are preparing yourself. It not only conveys to British officials that, for example, Jonas Jonaitis lives there and there, but finds information about him, about his crimes, about his past, about the possibility of resistance, the possibility of escape, about his employer, if we have information about his workplace, or the employer can hide it, he can lie about the possibilities of escape at the place of planned arrest, ”said the police attaché.

He was also pleased with the close cooperation with the Lithuanian community in Great Britain, which also contributed to the success of the plan.

“Very good relations have been established and I have received very accurate information from members of the Lithuanian community. The British have thanked me for such precise intelligence, I mean, it is not intelligence but citizen information. All that was left was to go and arrest the man, “he said.

L. Pernavas has no doubt that migrants will continue to contribute to the fight against criminals.

“As practice shows, the community is aware of those people who are hiding from the forces of order and can report it. And they do it even more actively when they see that we are working, searching and detaining those people, ”he said.

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