An old Socdemian unmasks Karbauskis: in political terms it would be the biggest problem for Lithuania


Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS), on Tuesday denied any rumors about a possible coalition with the LSDP.

“I have to say that this is a lie, Gintautas Paluckas has never discussed possible coalitions with me, Saulius Skvernelis or any other representative of our coalition in three years,” explained R. Karbauskis to BNS.

In an interview with Eltai, Gabrielius Landsbergis, leader of the Union of the Fatherland – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), emphasized that he had a similar view of the state with the Social Democrats.

“I think with the Social Democrats, however, in many cases we look at the state in a similar way,” Landsberg said.

There are no agreements

Chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) Gintautas Paluckas Delphi stated that there are currently no negotiations in progress.

“Nothing happens, whether Ramūnas talks to him here or is part of the electoral campaign. Nobody has anything, nobody can negotiate anything. Only on October 11, voters will say who will be in the Seimas and how much will be in the Seimas We will not participate in any mission or coalition organization. After the rise, we do not reach agreements, we do what everyone has to do in the elections: present their program to the public, “said the party president.

He said that he would not enter into any talk about a possible joint work with conservatives or peasants.

“It just came to our notice then. We want to end this vicious practice of personalities and commission building, and that is the goal of our next term, which is to solve people’s problems and not talk about rumors.” I have no idea. what they are talking about, I will not comment and I will not get caught up in those assumptions, “he said.

G. Paluckas and R. Karbauskis met on the basketball court.

G. Paluckas and R. Karbauskis met on the basketball court.

The politician said that no talks were held about a possible partner of the ruling coalition, “they are not taking place and will not be held until October 11” because it would be “a lack of respect for the electorate.”

Paluck said political scientists should make predictions about a possible coalition council.

“I am not a political scientist, I do not pursue theories. My job is to trust the public and, once received, be judged accordingly for what our attitudes support and what we can do with it. Here, political scientists may wonder. who would understand what, what rainbows are theoretically possible. And what voters will tell us what to do when voting ” Delphi the head of the LSDP spoke.

The politician marveled at the speeches of other party leaders.

“I don’t understand, they shoot someone in the head and say – now we know everything, here we go with those, others are attacking back that we know better – they are with us. We are big and strong, we focus on solving problems, not creating intrigues or conspiracies ”, emphasized the Social Democratic leader.

Gintautas Paluckas

Gintautas Paluckas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

He promised that there would be fewer and fewer such speeches in the run-up to the elections.

“In the context of the next election, we will probably hear the most diverse and strange statements and reasoning. What matters now is only what matters to the people of Lithuania. Who cares who drank and interacted with whom and how many Sometimes? It is relevant to me how planned medical care will be provided during the second wave of coronavirus. How education will be guaranteed. But the rulers do not want to talk about it. It is better for them to explain to whom and with whom the coalitions are maintained. ” . Delphi wondered the leader of the Social Democrats.

He urged politicians to do it simply to stop.

Categorically against

Lytic’s board member Vytenis Andriukaitis emphasized that he is currently trying not to interfere in politics and to take a neutral position on his responsibilities at the World Health Organization (WHO). However, from what he had to hear, V. Andriukaitis called R. Karbauskis’s words a complete fabrication.

“It is a total fabrication, I think it has electoral tactics. After all, those who don’t like conservatives really listen to R. Karbauskis and may believe it. Because R. Karbauskis’s team claims essentially the same voter. And here is a fully conscious action, you are not repeating it for the first time. I think it started when the Social Democrats decided to leave the coalition due to disagreements, ”said V. Andriukaitis.

The politician was surprised by R. Karbauskis’s statements, knowing that after the LSDP left the ruling coalition, the government’s program was not rewritten and the ideas of former coalition partners did not disappear from the program.

“In this context, a lie is simply being spread to mobilize voters who fear conservatives, to attract them from socialdems, and here it is quite obvious. R. Karbauskis designs public relations strategies and messages there, that’s why he does it completely consciously ”, he said.

Vytenis Andriukaitis

Vytenis Andriukaitis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

When asked if it would be possible for Conservatives and Social Democrats to work together in the coalition after the elections, V. Andriukaitis said he was firmly against it.

“I am strongly opposed to such a coalition. Unless there is some kind of national disaster that requires a very broad unification. But I see no reason for that. In political terms, this would be the biggest problem for Lithuania. Because the country really needs parties. on the right, even as radical and Russophobic, pseudopatriotic as conservative. After all, they basically have in their hands the monopoly of love of the Fatherland, while others do not love “, said V. Andriukaitis about the conservatives.

The politician said such a decision would only exacerbate the party’s fragmentation.

“In this case, I see no logic why this should be done. And that would be a huge crisis in our political field. Because such a crisis is completely unnecessary for the voters. And anyway, the political fragmentation in the field is as great as the different political formations that we have. And to deepen that fragmentation, to bring even more youth, “the interlocutor named the problems.

And if, after the elections, a discussion on such a structure were needed, according to V. Andriukaitis, a very hot discussion would boil over, which could even end with the split of the party.

“If something were to happen suddenly after the elections, it would be such a heated debate in the social field that I cannot even imagine how it would end. It could even be cracks. This would be the biggest problem and R. Karbauskis understands that” Delphi said the politician.

V. Andriukaitis emphasized once again that there are no conversations.

“There really is nothing, in general there are no agreements now. Now the most important thing is that the socialdems break into the electoral leaders, because it is not easy, now the three forces share the votes fairly equally depending on the situation. Difficult weeks are approaching, and now thinking of some kind of agreement is an absolutely inopportune step, it would be to share an unshaven moose here, “said the interlocutor V. Andriukaitis.

Delphi remember that the elections to the Seimas will be held on October 11 and its second round on October 25.

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