An intimate problem for men can complicate sex life – a urologist has listed what can help


The penis of every fifth man has a major or minor deformity. As long as it doesn’t interfere with sex life and cause discomfort, it’s more of a cosmetic problem. However, when the penis becomes painful during an erection and is visibly tilted to one side, Peiron’s disease can be suspected. Tilting can occur anywhere on the penis: at the base, at the apex or in the middle, in any direction. As the disease ages, the bending angle can be as high as 90 degrees or more.

“The penis begins to curve when scar plaques appear in its tissue, the whitish covering. During an erection, the penis fills with blood and expands evenly. Scar plates are less elastic, so the penis stretches less and naturally bends at the site of the scar. Over time, the scar hardens and the problem increases. The inclination of the penis does not disappear by itself ”, explained urologist Deimantas Šukys.

Deimantas Šukys

Deimantas Šukys

© Photo of the organization

What Causes Peiron’s Disease?

The reasons why penile tissue begins to heal in one place or another can be several. It is hypothesized that scar plaques form in whitish tissue due to microtraumas because the scar is the body’s natural response to trauma. During rough sex, the breakdown of the antibody layer of the penis can lead to bruising, which is then replaced by scars.

However, according to Dr. D. Šukis, men who complain of penile curvature often cannot name a specific event when the penis is traumatized. Scarring of penile tissue can also be caused by genetic factors, especially predisposition to connective tissue diseases. For example, an association between Peiron and Diupitren’s diseases has been established. In Peiron’s disease, the scar tissue bends the penis, and in Diupitren’s disease, the scarred tendons deform the palm and make it difficult for a person to bend the fingers.

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An intimate problem for men can complicate sex life - a urologist has listed what can help

“It all depends on the angle of inclination. If the disease is neglected and the penis is bent at an angle of more than 45 degrees, sex becomes physically difficult. Also, the curved penis hinders the blood supply, resulting in a weakened erection. Another problem is pain.

When the tissue is scarred at the beginning of the disease, in addition to reaching a certain angle of curvature of the penis, each erection becomes painful. An erection is also weakened by pain and anxiety about pain, ”said D. Šukys, a urologist at the Center for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment.

In addition to physical barriers, there are also psychological ones: Men begin to avoid sexual intercourse because they are ashamed of having a deformed penis.

When to go to the doctor?

Any man immediately notices the physical or functional changes in the penis. If the penis hurts and leans to one side during an erection, a urologist should be consulted.

“It is very important that men talk openly about the problem when the penis started to bend, if it could be related to some trauma. It is important to assess the angle of inclination of the penis, changes in the strength of erection, pain. During the exam, the penis is at rest, so the curvature is not visible at first glance. The place found can be touched, it is more difficult compared to other tissues of the penis ”, said urologist D. Šukys.

An intimate problem for men can complicate sex life - a urologist has listed what can help

Abandoned forms of the disease occur in the elderly group. Younger, sexually active men come to the doctor concerned about pain and weakening of the erection. Urologist D. Šukys points out that in Peiron’s disease, after the acute phase, when the healing process takes place, pain can pass, but this is not a good sign. This means that the scar has formed, the curvature of the penis has stabilized. Treating a harder scar is more difficult than at the beginning of the disease.

Peiron’s disease treatment methods

In the treatment of Peiron’s disease, it is necessary to solve two problems: relieve pain and straighten the penis.

“There are no oral medications to help straighten the penis. In the acute phase of the disease, we prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain, but they only relieve the symptoms, but they do not cure the disease, ”said urologist D. Šukys.

A more invasive method is extracorporeal lithotripsy, in which shock waves are directed at plaques found in the penis. Extracorporeal lithotripsy is recommended in the acute phase of the disease, when the erection is painful and the angle of inclination of the penis increases. The course of treatment consists of 4-6 sessions, carried out once a week. Lithotripsy slightly softens the scar plaque, effectively removes pain and inflammation, stabilizes the development of the disease, but so far there is not enough scientific evidence on the effect of this method in reducing the angle of deformity of the penis.

Treatment with interferon alfa-2b injection

Attempts have been made to treat Peiron’s disease with vitamins, various medications, and their injections. The effects of hyaluronic acid, the botulinum toxin, are currently being studied, but the efficacy of such a treatment has not yet been scientifically proven. The European Association of Urologists recommends the treatment of Peiron’s disease with two drugs, one of which is also registered in Lithuania.

An intimate problem for men can complicate sex life - a urologist has listed what can help

“At the Center for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, we treat Peiron’s disease with injections of interferon alfa-2b. The course of treatment is short, lasts about three months. Injections are administered every two weeks into the rumen plate of the penis. This is the only effective non-surgical method when the penis can be straightened 20 degrees or more, ”says urologist D. Šukys.

The injections are given after local anesthesia. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes. To avoid bruising and new scars, it is advisable to avoid exercise and sexual intercourse on the day of the injection. Erection enhancers can be used in combination with injections or shock therapy.

Three hours a day with a vacuum pump.

Physical straightening of the penis is recommended for concomitant injection therapy. A vacuum device can be used to induce an erection or a penis enlarger. The penis thus straightened or stretched should be kept up to 3 hours. per day.

“Men who are concerned about their sexual health find time for these types of procedures. The combined treatment method, in which injections that act on the broken plaque are allowed every two weeks, in addition, devices that mechanically stretch the plaque are used , it gives an additional positive effect in reducing the angle of curvature of the penis ”, said urologist D Šukys.

Prompt treatment helps prevent surgery

Peiron’s disease develops over a long period of time, the healing process is slow, and the penis does not bend for a month. The sooner a man sees a doctor, the more opportunities he has to help him.

Erection pain is already a sign that it is time to go to a specialist. When the angle of inclination of the penis reaches 90 degrees, neither injection nor mechanical straightening help, only surgical treatment remains, which is also not possible in all cases. Penile deformity can also be associated with the development of tumors in the urethra. Therefore, it is important to consult a urologist in a timely manner to rule out this risk and initiate effective treatment.

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