An explosion of COVID-19 cases has been reported in South Korea


Photo by Ahn Young-line (AP / Scanpix)

South Korea, which eased the quarantine, reported the highest number of new cases of coronavirus infection in more than a month on Monday, with a new outbreak in one of Seoul’s bar and club districts.

Until recently, this East Asian country was considered a global example in the fight against the virus. However, due to the outbreak of infections over the weekend, its capital, as well as neighboring Gyeonggi province and the nearby city of Incheon, ordered all clubs and bars to be closed to avoid a possible second wave of illness.

Such a message has been announced when some European countries cautiously begin to relax the quarantine regime, although medical experts warn that removing the restrictions too quickly could increase the number of infected people.

According to the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 35 new cases have been identified in the country, bringing the total to 10,909. Eight of the previous 12 days in South Korea were the record number of new cases, and many of those infected were immigrants from other countries.

On Monday morning, a total of 85 cases of infection were identified in a 29-year-old man with COVID-19 who had visited one of the clubs and bars in Seoul’s Itevo district in early May, the mayor of the capital Park Won-soon on Twitter.

As he told a radio station, city officials are urging anyone who has visited that part of the city in the past two weeks to get a coronavirus test.

But doctors are fighting to track down the “thousands of people” who have had fun in Itevan’s clubs and bars, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said.

“Most visitors are out of reach,” said the prime minister, urging everyone to explore.

“If you take even a day, our daily clock can stop for a month. Contact your nearest clinic or health center immediately, “said Chung Sye-kyun.

An outbreak of new infections has been reported as daily life in South Korea returns to normal: On Wednesday, the government even relaxed the rules of social distance.

The country has experienced one of the most serious early outbreaks outside of mainland China. Although no universal quarantine was introduced in South Korea, it has had strict social distance requirements since March.

Until recently, the outbreak in the country seemed to be controlled by a large-scale “follow-up, test and treat” program that has gained worldwide recognition.

Institutions like museums and churches have been reopened, and some professional sports leagues, like baseball and soccer, have started new seasons. Additionally, schools plan to open their doors this week.

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