An expert advising the government after MAMA suggests doing an experiment in Lithuania: why not try it?


According to him, countries during the pandemic divide activities into necessary and unnecessary.

“In necessary activities, risk is minimized by introducing safety requirements and unnecessary activities are not allowed. As the indicators of the epidemic deteriorate, the list of necessary activities is shortened, as they improve, the list of necessary activities begins to be allowed and unnecessary, ”wrote V. Zemlys-Balevičius on Facebook.

According to him, the downside of such a division of activities: risks are assessed too conservatively. According to the expert, risk-based restrictions were also introduced in Lithuania.

“You try to decide which activities are opened or closed according to various criteria, most of the time according to the impact of the opening of activities on epidemic indicators. If the epidemic deteriorates after the opening of activities, it means that these activities are riskier, if they improve, they are less risky. In Lithuania restrictions were introduced on a similar principle. It was based on several scientific studies and it was decided which activities could be allowed and which could not, “noted V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

The researcher noted that this model is being applied successfully in Asia, New Zealand and Australia, where shutting down activities at low epidemic rates is paying off quickly.

“Unfortunately, in other countries, this model has not worked, because the greater tolerance chosen for the epidemic indicators does not allow them to quickly fall to a level where activities can be opened with existing risk estimates,” said the expert in his post. .

Therefore, according to V. Zemlio-Balevičius, a possible solution in managing a pandemic could be a more accurate risk assessment of all activities: operational risk could be assessed according to the number of new coronavirus cases.

“If the number of cases is zero, the operation is safe. As with scenarios A, B, C, D, it is possible to identify a series of” safe “cases for which an activity is possible and for which already is not safe and can no longer be allowed. New “generated” cases can be counted by testing everyone involved in the activity. An appropriate testing methodology should be used for this, as all current COVID-19 tests have its drawbacks ”, explained a member of the expert council.

He also noted that a similar principle had already been applied in some areas.

“In Lithuania, preventive tests were applied in medical institutions, which allowed them to continue to function even at the highest level of the epidemic. The cumulative experiment, in which several schools were opened and students were constantly evaluated, showed that epidemiological risk could be controlled. A concert was held in Barcelona, ​​which will potentially show what the risk is, because all the participants were evaluated before and will be evaluated after the event, ”noted V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

At the same time, he emphasized that more risk assessment experiments would be needed; a similar concert is proposed, as in Barcelona, ​​in Lithuania. It is true that this is not yet allowed by the Ministry of Health (SAM).

“SAM does not allow this yet, although it is proposed that the event take place in June. The supermarkets have presented their proposals to the Government, in which the epidemiological risk is also controlled to the maximum. Why not give it a try? With the epidemic on the rise, it may not be wise to do it now, but when they fall, I see no reason not to. Even now, with a different situation in different municipalities, such experiments could be carried out where the epidemiological situation allows.

I have no illusions that these ideas will immediately magically solve all the problems that exist now. Ideas need to be considered further, it is necessary to invite more experts from different fields to validate them. It is also necessary to implement ideas, which until now is difficult to achieve. But why not give it a try? ”, V. Zemlys-Balevičius added in the recording.

MAMA organizers: Maybe everyone felt too relaxed with the negative tests

After receiving reactions after the broadcast of the MAMA 2020 of the Lithuanians of Music on Saturday, the organizers explained what safety requirements were met and what can be learned from their experience.

A press release issued on Monday said that preparations for the broadcast were particularly meticulous: filming related to MAMA took place over more than a day, and due to safety and maximum traffic restrictions, the number of personnel also took place. dropped considerably. It is alleged that the public was strictly denied, no tickets sold, and no outsiders admitted to the awards.

Rapid COVID-19 antigen testing was performed on-site for all entrants prior to entering the awards shoot through the special entrance.

MAMA was also outraged

MAMA was also outraged

“We used examples: how companies should test work. Now we have asked the doctors to re-evaluate the situation. Let’s analyze this event, talk about it and see how we can continue to live and work in a new reality. Because there are no other solutions yet, “said Martynas Tyla, president of the MAMA association.

“It just came to our notice then. Some of the moments, like the massive appearance of the nominees on stage, were just emotional. Maybe the people, who found themselves in a huge space – a 22 thousand square meter arena and, also, all with negative tests, she felt too safe and relaxed – said the producer of the broadcast Saulius Urbonavičius-Samas. – But we feel the emotional state of the musicians, who have been waiting for years for concrete strategic plans, visions, not requests to suffer.

And already after the MAMA broadcast, many representatives of the music business commented that this could be an open-minded experiment. Because everyone’s goal is to learn to live a new reality. The virus has not gone anywhere. It probably won’t go away. And let this be an example for the future discussion of how we will live in the new reality, how our sectors of sport, culture, education will function. We want to start a debate and find new solutions as soon as possible. “

You can read more about the reaction of the MAMA organizers to the public outrage and the explanations provided here.

On Saturday, during the broadcast of the MAMA awards in the public space, there was outrage at the people gathered on stage and not hugging. Both individual members of the Seimas and representatives of the entertainment world reacted to this. Culture Minister Simonas Kairys also made a comment.

For their part, the Police, having received complaints about the incident, announced that they had begun to clarify the circumstances.

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