An excerpt from an online book for teenagers provoked the outrage of parents: accused of obscenity, they even offered to burn


The official entry for the book is as follows: “It is the story of Pumpkin, a nine-year-old boy who wanted to shoot at the sky and accidentally hit his mother. In a foster home, experience what friendship and child love are. Here you will find stupid jokes and tears, naivety and emotions, life lessons … “

An excerpt from an online book for teenagers provoked the outrage of parents: accused of obscenity, they even offered to burn

© Photo from the social network

Excerpts from the “Pumpkin Story” were shared by the Lithuanian Parents Forum, to which the mother, who sent the photos, wrote: “What you read will not be pleasant … I’m even scared! This brochure may fall in the hands of any child. And legally, only from the school library. And I doubt that many librarians or school teachers have any idea about it. And parents are weird who will guess. And reading to a child will rarely bring the parents to show what they have found. That is the kind of vigilance and vigilance that parents need. Share with your acquaintances, friends and friends. “

Some parents were also caught up in the fact that the main character shot their mother, but most of the outrage was caused by the description of some sex scenes. The online section of the book tells how one of its characters described the main character who had seen pornographic movies and scenes in his father’s office.

These sections on social networks were accompanied by comments from parents that “It is scary and sad what crazy things are writing such books, and even for children. Although it is said that books cannot be burned but only on the shoulders, “this is where the” sex education “begins. Very” subtly “.

Another father assured him that the book was not educational but abusive: “Well, well, a children’s book for children aged 5 to 14 may mention ‘parental love’, ‘I saw ugly adult movies where uncles and aunts lie naked’ (who didn’t you hear it as a kid?), but not for such small and dirty details!

No, I am not a davatka, and I am in favor of comprehensive sex education for children as soon as they start asking questions on that topic; It is definitely better for boys to pick up distorted information from friends and for 15-year-old girls to get pregnant. … But this book is just plain dirty and abusive, not educational! ”.

The book is not for sale

Delfi commented on Alma Littera, the editor of the book, who commented that Dovilė Zaidė had seen, read and commented on the discussion.

“Following the ongoing debate on the 2006 G. Paris book” The Pumpkin Story “published by Alma littera in parenting communities on social media, we also discussed the situation within the publisher. The book has been published in more from 30 countries and has been the subject of an award-winning film that was screened last year at Cinema Spring. Until the weekend, the book was also on the recommendation list of the “Summer with a Book” project organized by the public libraries of the counties of Lithuania “.

According to the director, the book tells the story of a boy, Pumpkin, who found himself in a children’s home after the death of his mother, and reveals what children sometimes suffer. According to her, although the past of children living in foster care is difficult, overcoming difficulties together is much easier than alone.

“With the help of new friends, Pumpkin is slowly learning to trust and love. This story becomes a symbol of the endurance and depth of the human heart. He speaks to children whose parents do not grow up in a protected bubble of the world and to parents who are willing to talk to older children about a life in which injustice is not lacking.

Since the book was published more than 15 years ago, it has not been for sale for many years. However, the book can be found in the libraries of Lithuania. In response to parents’ dissatisfaction with the passage of the book, we asked Lithuanian libraries to emphasize that this book is intended for older students, and if they have copies of these books, they could be marked as “Recommended from 14 years old. “to avoid misunderstandings”.

He also suggested that if they decided that their library would like to give up these books, they were willing to replace them with new ones at the publisher’s expense.

“So far we have not received such rejections. We received comments from libraries and approval to recommend that the book be read to children under the age of 14.”

He remembered why Socrates had been condemned

The psychologist Edvardas Šidlauskas commented that it is possible to remember why Socrates was condemned in ancient times.

“There were exactly the same accusations that he abused the young man. That is, his philosophy, which sought to unmask lies, illusions and encouraged critical thinking, to see himself as he is, not as he seems or as someone said. Socrates was sentenced to death for that love of truth. “

In this case, according to the psychologist, and reveals the old conflict between what is tradition and what seems to be in doubt, and what is new, what is a critical scientific approach.

“In this particular case, as I understand it, there are two different points of view: these are professional, so to speak, professional opinion and value, traditional opinion of ordinary people or parents. So there is such a crossroads and it is quite understandable because tradition is always somewhat inert, it is more of a heritage, and science experiments, goes further, is based on research, seeks innovation, tries to improve and change current life.

We are often afraid and do not want those changes because it seems unsafe, something new, unusual, unclear, who the hell is here. Let’s remember how scientists were burned at the stake. It’s fear and insecurity because it doesn’t match tradition. “

Distance education

Distance education

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to E. Šidlauskas, he would simply see the meaning of the discussion between professionals and parents. He also added that it must be honestly recognized that customers are nonetheless parents.

“They ask for a service, the education of their children, because they cannot do it themselves, because, for example, they work from morning to afternoon or they have no competition. If you are asked to raise that child and you pay the state money, it makes sense to participate in that learning process. It would be good to ask for their opinion.

As far as I know, each school has this so-called school council, which also includes parents, educators, orally, the educational community. Therefore, I would suggest discussing such a book within a specific school that would like to use it. If the community approves, well, if it rejects, then you have to look for alternatives. “

“There is no justice in the wars of values”

The passages quoted to the psychologist turned out to be more phenomenological, as certain things were described through the eyes of a novice child.

“Some kind of sexual relationship, etc., and there is nothing vulgar or that incites some kind of fornication. It is simply an attempt to explain certain phenomena to a child. It is true that in this case we are again faced with a conflict of values, which is a taboo or religious dogmas.

If we follow them, let’s say that sexual chastity or abstinence, because Christianity, if we are honest, agitates not to marry at all and not have children. There are words in the gospel that anyone who can, in the name of the kingdom of heaven, have sex. And if you can’t do that, then you have to get married. How many of us have that now? I think almost no one. If so, then this position is hypocritical, because I believe that the dogmas of purity come from Christianity. “

According to him, in this case, the sexual energy is transformed into some religious practices or creativity in general. It is every man’s business where he will direct it.

“It is not very clear then that I understand the resistance of the parents – if they are really decent Christians, then they should be so whole and abstain from such relationships. If there is the fear of some kind of abuse of the children or the fear of their early pregnancy So I think education is preventing this from happening.

God forbid they do this without realizing how a thirteen-year-old girl did it, then it will be a broken life. And how to report on it? Telling, showing the consequences, explaining what and how, and there is nothing shameful here if we don’t put that shameful content ourselves ”.

According to him, in some Asian countries, a man’s phallus is worshiped as God, and the birth of a woman is one of the most important processes in the creation of the world, making it sacred and not dirty or ugly.

“There are all kinds of attitudes and I don’t know what those parents represent. Still, however, it can be said that there is no justice in value conflicts. man and from which my morals and ethics arise. We need to discover what values ​​are hidden and try to find some common ground. “

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