An entirely new strain of coronavirus has been detected in Finland


It is not yet known whether this strain, called Fin-796H, is more dangerous or more contagious than other mutations. However, doctors report that PCR tests do not recognize the mutated virus as well as previously known forms.

This is an important discovery, virologist Ollis Vapalahtis told the Finnish YLE station. Little is known about Fin-796H, except that it has some of the signs of mutations found in the British and PAR variants.

Another virologist at the University of Turkey, Ilkka Julkunen, still sees no reason to be concerned. “We do not have reliable data that this new strain is more contagious or will affect the immunity or protection of people who have overcome the disease after vaccination,” he said.

Experts: PCR tests can be ineffective

Vita Laboratories representatives believe that the discovery of a new coronavirus variant is significant because it may not be detectable in PCR tests designed to search for viral RNA for certain genetic sequences.

If only certain parts of the genetic code were detected in PCR tests, the mutated virus could avoid detection, which is why at least two different parts are often searched for,

“The part of the sequence that the PCR tests are based on has mutated, which means that they will no longer be able to recognize the coronavirus. At the moment, this is the most important information on this variety, ”said clinical researcher Taru Meri.

So far, 450 cases of COVID-19 caused by new coronavirus variants have been identified in Finland, said Tanel Puumalainen, head of the Infectious Disease Control Division at the National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL). Of these, 422 cases were caused by the so-called British variety, 22 by the South African variety and one by the Brazilian variety.

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