An easy way to revitalize tired skin – this ritual costs nothing


Ramunė Uosienė, an expert from the BENU Pharmacy Healthy Skin Institute, points out that spending more time on skin care should not be reduced, and that the biggest enemies of healthy skin at this time are dry air and lack of oxygen.

As the press release says, we can compare skin to immunity. Both perform a very important function: protection. Immunity protects our body from the inside, the skin from the outside. The skin protects the body from the penetration of various microorganisms and chemicals, helps regulate body temperature, through which toxins are removed from the body. However, dehydrated and damaged skin can no longer perform these important functions properly.

“The pace of our lives is currently slowing down, we have fewer opportunities to get out there and actively move. This means that we spend more time indoors where the air is dehumidified by heated radiators. In addition, increased stress and nervousness also contribute. In such circumstances, it takes more effort to maintain a healthy skin glow. That the skin lacks oxygen and moisture, first of all betrayed by a grayish color and dryness, a feeling of stretching. To restore a healthy appearance to the skin, I suggest starting with small rituals: daily walks in the fresh air, ”advises an expert from the Healthy Skin Institute.

Lack of oxygen accelerates the aging process.

Oxygen is an essential element for healthy skin. When skin cells are starved of oxygen, they begin to “suffocate.” This is manifested by graying of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, uneven skin tone; You will soon see changes in the mirror.

“The lack of oxygen is caused not only by a prolonged and frequent presence in the premises, but also by polluted air, toxins accumulated in the body and harmful habits. Therefore, I offer to choose places to walk that are further away from traffic flows: forests, cognitive trails. Clean air is especially helpful for overall health and immunity, ”says skincare specialist R. Uosienė.

skin care

skin care

© Photo of the organizers

If you notice the first signs of oxygen starvation in your skin cells, include oxygen saturation measures, such as a lotion or cream, in your daily skincare routine. You can also put on oxygen-saturated skin once a week. The skin will regain a healthy tone and become more vibrant. Measures with vitamin C also help restore even, brighter skin tone faster.

The effects of dehydrated skin can be long lasting.

Another problem that often bothers you at this time of year is dry skin. The scorching air behind the window makes the radiator spin harder to keep the interior warm, but the hot air quickly loses moisture. Being in a poorly ventilated heated room at night, you may feel that the skin becomes rougher, there may be a feeling of stretching.

Moisture in the skin collects in the middle layer of the skin, the dermis, where lipids trap moisture and prevent it from evaporating. The dermis provides moisture to the top layer of the skin, the epidermis, which makes the skin look elastic and healthy. However, dry indoor air can damage the epidermis, causing the skin to evaporate moisture and begin to dry out.

“To avoid dry indoor air, I suggest opening the windows more frequently first. If the indoor air is extremely dry, a humidifier would be helpful. Also moisten the skin from the inside – drink plenty of water, dietary supplements with hyaluronic acid. However, you should not give up on dry skin, hoping that everything will work out on its own. Dehydrated skin loses elasticity, the signs of aging begin to appear more quickly. Eventually, the processes become irreversible. the sooner the necessary measures are taken to preserve the moisture of the skin, the longer it will preserve the youth of the skin ”, says an expert from the BENU Healthy Skin Institute.

The focus on skin care should not diminish at home. In the morning, after hygiene procedures, R. Uosienė recommends using a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, squalene, glycerin or urea. They will help draw moisture from the deeper layers and retain it. For additional hydration you can choose a toner, concentrated serum, masks. During the day, dry skin can be revitalized and hydrated with thermal water spray.

skin care

skin care

© Photo of the organizers

“In harsher or windier weather, if you are going to go outside, it is better to leave the moisturizing procedures at night, and in the morning pamper the skin with nourishing creams or emollients with natural lipids: shea butter, jojoba, coconut oil , lanolin, beeswax. The main function of nourishing and emollient creams is to create a protective lipid barrier that will prevent moisture from escaping from the skin, in addition to protecting the skin from the effects of the environment, such as wind, cold ”, explains the pharmacist.

It is true that, for now, the specialist suggests not rushing to go outside to apply an anti-cold cream, especially if your skin is combination or prone to oily. Provided the outside temperature is positive, a nourishing cream is sufficient to protect dry skin, and a moisturizer for combination and oily skin is sufficient. It is true that the moisturizer should be applied no later than half an hour before going out.

Don’t just take care of your facial skin

The specialist recalls that care is needed not only for the face, but also for the skin of the body, from the head to the tips of the toes. The same factors that affect the face affect the skin of the entire body.

“The skin is a single organ, so we cannot take care of only a small part of it. If we say that dry indoor air dries the skin of the face, the same processes occur in the skin that covers the entire body. Lesions They may look different, not be visible everywhere, because in some places the skin is thicker, in others, like the eyes, it is extremely thin and sensitive. However, forgetting to pay attention to the skin of our scalp , body, hands and feet, in the long run we will see the same consequences: flaky, flaky, wrinkled skin, with loss of elasticity ”, says the pharmacy specialist.

She recommends rubbing the skin of your hands and feet with a moisturizing or nourishing cream at night. After showering, while the skin is still damp, use a moisturizing body cream or lotion, and for extremely dry skin – body oil, emollients. For scalp care, it is recommended to use a scalp scrub at least once a week, which will remove dead cells, excess oil, thus reducing the chances of dandruff and helping to supply better oxygen to the roots hair related.

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