An Easy Way to Preserve Fall Garden Treats – Super Tasty Canned Mixes


Rich in vitamins and minerals

Canning protects vegetables from spoilage and even when cooked, they do not lose their health and nutritional benefits. However, B. Baratinskaitė, who talks about this, emphasizes: in order to achieve such a positive result, it is important to properly preserve the goodies from the garden, writes the press release.

“Canning is often unimaginable without vinegar marinades, large amounts of sugar or salt. However, these products should be chosen sparingly and responsibly. Use sugar and salt in small amounts to replace the regular vinegar with a healthier apple or made with other fruits. It is also advisable to choose only good quality, fresh, washed and ordered vegetables for canning. In this way, they will retain their good properties, and when the goodness of the garden is heated to a high temperature, most of the harmful microorganisms will die ”, says B. Baratinskaitė about the peculiarities of conservation.

Speaking of the benefits of heat treatment, the food production expert disagrees with the often-heard opinion that canned vegetables lose all available vitamins and beneficial substances. According to B. Baratinskaitė, this belief is just a myth.

“Although heating reduces the amount of vitamin C in vegetables twice, this element still remains and is sufficient. On the other hand, the beneficial properties of carrots and tomatoes only improve after heat treatment. We assimilate the necessary substances for the body by eating these canned vegetables, not fresh. Conservation does not alter the properties of useful minerals, which are abundant in the fall harvest, ”says the food production expert.

A source of health and disease prevention

B. Baratinskaitė considers canning to be a great culinary tradition, for which the most favorable conditions have been created in Lithuania. According to the interlocutor, the harvest in autumn is abundant and varied, and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other substances useful for the body grow in the gardens.

At that time, B. Baratinskaitė, when asked which vegetables are the most nutritious for the mentioned dish from his own production, assures that the choice is especially wide.

“In addition to the popular canned carrot and tomato mixes, you can choose beets. It is a particularly beneficial vegetable, rich in vitamins, cleanses the kidneys, improves brain function and mood, works the heart, reduces overweight. Most One of the good properties is also zucchini, which not only regulates blood sugar, but also protects vision. Another characteristic of the garden is peppers: these vegetables, both delicious and commonly consumed, reduce the risk of cancer and diseases. heart disease, ”says the food production expert.

Delicious and easy mixes

Canned Zucchini Mix

Canned Zucchini Mix

For those looking for ideas for canned vegetable mixes, B. Baratinskaitė offers extremely easy recipes. They can be used to make delicious sandwiches, garnishes, and ingredients for other dishes.

A mixture of sweet peppers and zucchini.

To prepare 10 servings you will need: 700 g of peppers of various colors, 2 kg of small zucchini, 500 g of spicy tomato sauce, 150 g of sugar, 250 ml of oil, 120 ml of apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of salt.

Wash the zucchini, cut it into 4 parts, clean the seeds, cover with a tablespoon of salt and let it rest for an hour. Cut the peppers in half, remove the seeds, chop with straw, put in a bowl. Pour in the liquid from the zucchini and cut the vegetables with straws. Pour the oil into the pot, add the sugar, the remaining salt and heat over low heat until the sugar and salt dissolve. Add the prepared vegetables to the hot marinade, mix well, and simmer for 20 minutes. Finally, add the tomato sauce, stir and stir for another 10 minutes. roast. Pour in the vinegar, mix well and remove from heat. Place the hot mixture in the overcooked jars and close tightly.

“This dish is perfect with meat. It is delicious, easy to make and this mixture is delicious to eat either alone or in stews, soup. It is a universal, healthy and nutritious dish”, emphasizes B. Baratinskaitė.

A traditional mix of carrots and apples.

To make 10 servings you will need: 2 kg of carrots, 1 kg of apples, 500 g of onions, 400 ml of oil, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt.

Peel a carrot, cut it, put it in a pot with water. Add a tablespoon of sugar, stir, bring to a boil and cook for about 5-7 minutes. Disconnect the carrots, rinse with cold water, and cool. Fry the onions, add the grated apples, sauté for 5 minutes. Put the carrots in a pot, add oil, add salt and sugar, simmer for up to 15 minutes. Place the hot mixture in the overcooked jars and close tightly.

“This garnish is perfect for fish, so the upcoming winter holidays are a great time to open jars and enjoy the mixture. However, it can be eaten without even waiting for a special occasion. The mixture, for example, is perfect for spreading on bread and tasting ”, smiles the food production expert.

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