An attorney was convicted of hitting and spraying a Kaunas resident after a children’s party.


2020 Kaunas District Court July 31 Valdas Bačinskas was found guilty of a misdemeanor and Martynas Vilčinskas, a lawyer, was found guilty of a minor health disorder of the victim OB. Although the defendants denied guilt, the court found defendants guilty without reason to disbelieve the victim’s testimony and after evaluating the evidence in the case.

Defendants V. Bačinskas and M. Vilčinskas, after the bachelorette party, 2015 June 20 in the 3 p.m. period At 4 o’clock, she broke into the apartment through the open door, where M. Vilčinskas’ mother’s friend, victim O. B., was sleeping in the room at the time.

The court found that the defendant V. Bačinskas, climbing on the bed and holding the victim pressed against the bed, struck him twice in the area of ​​the spine on the knee and, together with M. Vilčinskas, along with M. Vilčinskas hit no more than 10 blows to the victim’s head, hands and chest. , and while the latter tried to escape, M. Vilčinskas hit his head, hands and chest no more than 5 times. After leaving the department, but continuing with the criminal actions, the accused M. Vilčinskas struck him three times in the face with the fist and sprayed tear gas on his eyes. Through these actions, the defendants committed bruises on the lower lid of the left eye, bruises on the outer surface of the right arm, abrasion on the back of the right elbow, bruises on the outer surface of the left arm, bruises in the area of ​​the chest, abrasions on the left knee area, bruising on the left knee, bruising, part abrasion, three abrasions on the left knee area, abrasions on the anterior surface of the left calf, abrasions on the inner surface of the calf left, abrasions on the outside of the left ankle, which caused the victim a health disorder.

The court based its decision on the fact that the testimony of witnesses who had a defensive version of the accused was contradictory and that the victim’s injuries and circumstances were confirmed not only by himself but also by an interviewed witness. by the pre-trial judge who arrived on the scene as a taxi driver. Testimonials Forensic experts interviewed during the trial indicated that the victim’s spinal cord and rib fracture inflicted was clearly fresh during the investigation, as the injuries from the spinal cord sprains only began to heal after two weeks.

It is also important that the victim petition the police station a few days later only because he had angered the defendant’s mother, J.R., prior to the incident.

“I understood well that if I apply to the police, it could further harm M. Vilčinskas’ career.” I myself provided financial support for M. Vilčinskas’ career as a lawyer, therefore, first of all, I tried to find connections with J.R. ”Said the victim in court.

The court sentenced V. Bačinskas to 1 year and 6 months in prison for serious illness, forcing him to be home from 10 o’clock at night. until 6 pm. and work for 6 hours free of charge within 60 months in healthcare, welfare and welfare institutions or non-governmental organizations serving the disabled, elderly or others in need of assistance, and M. Vilčinskas – 9 months in prison, who also Forces you to stay home and work for free within 3 months for 30 hours at healthcare, welfare and welfare institutions or non-governmental organizations that serve the disabled, the elderly or others who need assistance.

The court partially confirmed the victim’s civil claim and jointly awarded the defendants 100 euros (one hundred) in material damages and 1,000 euros in damages. (thousand) euros in immaterial damages for the benefit of the victim. The accused must also compensate the victim for the 2,000. Costs of the process.

We simply did not dare to enjoy such family circumstances.

The judgment may be appealed to the Kaunas Regional Court within 20 days from the day of its publication, by filing an appeal with the Kaunas Chamber of the Kaunas District Court.

Ignas Vėgėlė, president of the Lithuanian Bar Council, told BNS that the charges against the lawyer had already been considered by the council, but that data was missing to make a decision and conflicting information was received about the event.

“We have been considering the suspension on February 14 and the council lacked the data to decide to suspend it from legal practice. In other words, his activities have not been suspended, he is on the list of practicing lawyers,” said I. Vėgėlė .

“This situation is unusual because there is a mild health disorder and physical pain, there is domestic violence, family circumstances. As far as I can remember, it was very difficult for the council to make a decision of one kind or another because there are arguments and accusations on both sides. . We simply will not dare to enjoy such family circumstances, “said the Head of the Bar Association.

According to him, at the next council meeting, the temporary removal of M. Vilčinskas will be discussed again, and after the entry into force of the sentence, the permanent one will be discussed.

“After this verdict, which is not in force, we will consider it again and it will be at the end of August, at the council meeting. There will be the problem of temporary elimination again. As a general rule, a first instance sentence, even if not it has become definitive, it is a very serious reason for the council to suspend its activities. Normally, the council behaves in this way, unless there are other data, “said Ignas Vėgėlė.

“We will leave permanently when, after an appeal, if someone complains to him, if he stays as he is … there has been a period of time long enough that he cannot continue with the activity” , said.
