An area that attracts Vilnius residents to attractive real estate prices, the disadvantages of which are still starving: their future is unpredictable


One of the youngest Soviet neighborhoods

Pašilaičiai is an old town near Vilnius. Historical sources mention the 18th century. 19th century At the end of 1953, there were 89 inhabitants; – more than 200. With the expansion of the city of Vilnius, in 1987. He built a neighborhood of the same name. The author of the project is the architect K. Balėnas. The district consists of several main streets: Žemynas, Medeina, Gabija and Pašilaičiai. The street plan consists of 3 roundabouts, in the middle of which there are quiet and inaccessible pedestrian spaces.

According to Tomas Sovijus Kvainickas, Head of Investments and Analysis at Inreal Group, Pašilaičiai is one of the most recently developed Soviet-era bedrooms. The first 5- and 9-story reinforced concrete and monolithic concrete apartment buildings in the southern part arose in the period 1986-1991. The planning of the territory of this district (Medeinos, Žemynas, Gabijos streets) is reminiscent of Lazdynai, when residential neighborhoods are surrounded by rings of streets.

An area that attracts Vilnius residents to attractive real estate prices, the shortcomings of which are still starving: their future is unpredictable

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

“During the economic boom, since 2006, cranes have flooded the district again. The development of new housing was concentrated in the underdeveloped parts of the north (Perkūnkiemio and Pavilnionių streets) and the east (Justiniškių streets). New apartment buildings, mostly 9 stories, are built much more densely, in blocks, especially with little vegetation. In 2007-2008 alone, almost 50 apartment buildings were built in Pašilaičiai, about 3,000 apartments, and if it weren’t for the global financial crisis, there would certainly have been more, ”says the real estate analyst.

Green areas and clean air

The social environment in Pašilaičiai, like in other districts built during the Soviet era, is aging, but according to Mindaugas Statulevičius, president of the Lithuanian Real Estate Development Association, the situation is saved thanks to young couples and families getting together move into new apartment blocks already built or still under construction.

“More economy-class projects are being developed, but the district itself has advantages: a well-developed network of schools and kindergartens, there is a nearby polyclinic, very good connections to the city (Pašilaičiai is limited to two high-speed streets ). It will be further improved with the construction of North Street. On the other hand, the old apartment buildings are already old, they are between 30 and 40 years old, and the young people want new quality, new distribution, environment, houses with greater energy efficiency. Therefore, the wave of developers that came to this district 5-6 years ago in Pašilaičiai is trying to fill that void ”, M. Statulevičius shares his ideas.

An area that attracts Vilnius residents to attractive real estate prices, the shortcomings of which are still starving: their future is unpredictable

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

Speaking about the advantages of Pašilaičiai, the real estate expert says that in addition to convenient connections to other neighborhoods and developed road infrastructure, it is still characterized by low air pollution and an abundance of green areas. On the other hand, according to M. Statulevičius, in the new apartment blocks being developed in Pašilaičiai, there is a lack of social infrastructure up to a completely high quality of life: children’s play areas, playgrounds, places for walking, etc. .

“As for compaction, I would not say that the construction is very intensive. Mostly there are 5-6 story apartment buildings, no very big arrangements there, I wouldn’t be afraid of that there. Some build with an underground parking lot, so it will be possible to use the upper spaces for games and recreation, ”says M. Statulevičius.

Prices – bites

According to Inreal, there are currently almost 300 apartment buildings in the Pašilaičiai nursing home and more than 16 thousand. apartments. According to real estate analyst TS Kvainickas, due to low prices, the neighborhood is still popular with settlers. Buyers are most interested in apartments with an area of ​​30 to 45 square meters. It is true that the pandemic, with the contraction of the demand for apartments in small areas, increased the attention to 60-80 square meters of housing.

An area that attracts Vilnius residents to attractive real estate prices, the shortcomings of which are still starving: their future is unpredictable

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

The real estate expert continues that the prices of apartments on the secondary market can be divided into two parts: apartment buildings built in the period 1980-1995 and those built after 2005.

“The current sales prices of the oldest apartments in Pašilaičiai range between 1130 and 1600 Eur / m2. A one-bedroom home can be purchased for 49,500 – 57,000 euros, two rooms – for 63,000 – 69,000 euros, three rooms – for 74,000 – 88,000 euros. Sales prices for apartments over 15 years old in Pašilaičiai range between 1350 and 2540 Eur / m2. A one-bedroom home can be bought for 56,500 – 66,500 euros, two rooms – for 76,500 – 89,800 euros, three rooms – for 74,000 – 88,000 euros, ”reveals the real estate analyst.

Currently, according to TS Kvainickas, there is a wider selection of newly built apartments in Pašilaičiai in four housing projects, where more than 200 apartments are offered: “There are several other projects on offer, but the balances in them do not offer much freedom of choice. The average price of a newly built partially finished apartment in Pašilaičiai is 1050 to 1700 Eur / m2 ”.

An area that attracts Vilnius residents to attractive real estate prices, the shortcomings of which are still starving: their future is unpredictable

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

The prices for renting houses in Pašilaičiai houses of old construction, according to the real estate expert, reach 5.2 – 8 Eur / m2 The one-room apartment can be rented for 230 – 300 Eur / m2, Two-room apartment – per 300 – 350 Eur / m2, Three-room apartment – for 350 – 400 Eur / m2. The rental prices of newly built houses reach 6.4 – 13 Eur / m2 One-room apartment can be rented for 300 – 350 Eur / m2, Two-room apartment – for 360 – 450 Eur / m2, Apartment with three rooms – for 450 – 500 Eur / m2.

Parking problems are inevitable too

However, not only residential but also commercial real estate projects are being developed in Pašilaičiai. According to TS Kvainickas, there is no shortage of commercial premises in this district.

“Many shopping and business centers have been built on Ukmergės street, various groups have been formed, for example, at the intersection with Ateities street, car trade predominates, and on Perkūnkiemio street, business centers,” he says the interlocutor.

On the other hand, according to the real estate analyst, Pašilaičiai has a major problem – the lack of development of social infrastructure, which was also emphasized by M. Statulevičius.

“There are basically no public schools or kindergartens in the northern part. The disadvantage becomes obvious when comparing the new part of the district, Perkūnkiemis, with the old one, eg in the neighborhoods of Medeinos, Žemynas and Gabijos streets. In the 2006-2008 period, when real estate developers focused on the development of residential and commercial objects, it was expected that after the settlement of new residents, investments would also be made in the development of social objects. Unfortunately, these hopes have been dissipated by the global financial crisis. The potential contribution of the public sector to the development of social infrastructure is limited, since most of the undeveloped parcels are mostly owned by private companies “, comments the real estate analyst.

An area that attracts Vilnius residents to attractive real estate prices, the shortcomings of which are still starving: their future is unpredictable

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

It continues that in the southern part of the district the problem of parking is being solved in the same way as in any other sleeping district of construction of this period: the streets and courtyards of the residential neighborhoods are built with vehicles. In the north, where the density of buildings is higher, the situation is also bad.

“There are underground parking lots, but housing prices have been and continue to be oriented to the economic segment, so not all residents buy them. The requirements foresee the installation of a parking space for an apartment, but due to less developed public transport, both members of the family often have a car, so parking spaces are often lacking ”, emphasizes TS Kvainickas.

Hangs in traffic jams

The real estate analyst goes on to say that although Pašilaičiai’s connection with other Vilnius districts is good enough, a large number of cars form traffic jams. The section of Ukmergės Street towards the city center is relatively small, but there are many regulated intersections on this street, which also slow down car traffic. Another important factor is the lack of alternatives to driving routes. The shortest distance to the central part of the city is Ukmergės Street, but it is also used by many residents of suburbs.

“Car traffic is quite heavy, around 800 cars per hour. Laisvės ave. And the western ring road directs some of the traffic through T. Narbuto street, but it is used not only by the residents of Viršuliškės or Karoliniškės, but also because of the densely populated Pilaitė. Oslo Street forms an excessive arc, not to mention that Iron Wolf Street also has bandwidth limits. Meanwhile, for example, residents of Žirmūnai, Baltupiai, Jerusalem or Santariškės can choose between Iron streets Wolf, Kalvarijų and Žirmūnų ”, says the interlocutor.

According to TS Kvainickas, the future of Pašilaičiai, and especially of Perkūnkiemis, can be assessed in two ways. One opinion is that due to low prices, high density of buildings, and lack of social infrastructure, the attractiveness of the district may significantly decline in the future, and something similar to ghettos will form in this district. On the other hand, Pašilaičiai is developing in a complex way, not only residential but also commercial objects are being built, so after solving the issue of education and other public institutions, it is likely that in the future a “city island ”closed. center.

On the other hand, according to M. Statulevičius, Pašilaičiai should appear in the list of districts where it is convenient: “Pašilaičiai, Justiniškės, Pilaitė – they are similar and when people compare where to live, Pilaitė is challenged to leave the city, There are several exits and the prospect of having several more, so for those interested in mobility in the city, Pašilaičiai is an option to consider ”, the interviewee is convinced.

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