Among the most popular Lithuanian holiday destinations, a new state seeks to invade: it invites you to come without evidence.


Although Montenegro is not really in the top five among Lithuanians when it comes to choosing a vacation spot, it is very possible that things will change soon. First of all, every year there is a growing tendency to search for new, yet undiscovered and unexplored places. Everyone wants to stay where there have been no friends or family yet. After all, it is easier to show off and envy others, some have that purpose.

The greater the need for innovation, the more our tour operators try to find what they have heard and what is less interesting.

From what you can choose for a vacation this year, Montenegro is one of those interesting destinations. Undiscovered for many, but attractive. We have direct charter flights from Vilnius to Tivat, one of the most famous tourist centers in this country. At the moment, Novaturas offers only once a week, on Thursdays 2.5 hours. But if demand increases, more flights are likely.

This is exactly the goal of Borislav Rabrenovic, a local tourism expert who works with Lithuanian tour operators. He says that after the first flights from Vilnius, he has already noticed a lot of interest in his country. “We don’t have big budgets for luxury advertising in the country, but mostly we are advertised by those who have already visited here. Good feedback is the best and most sincere advertising,” says Borislav. Call Lithuanians curious tourists who want to see and learn a lot. “When they come to us, they make the most of it, go all they can, try different beaches, visit the islands. This is exactly what I myself would choose for an active vacation,” praise our travelers.



© Orijus Gasanovas

Those looking for a more interesting place to relax often like to follow global examples. World famous personalities such as singer Madonna, actors Brad Pit and Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, Jessica Alba, tennis stars Maria Sharapova and Novak Djokovic, one of the most beautiful women in the world, supermodels Naomi Campbell and Adriana. Lima has already been on vacation in Montenegro, some already and more than once. Residents of this country, for example, are extremely proud that the famous family of David and Victoria Beckham is among the returning tourists. Here they discovered the perfect Aman Sveti Stefan hotel on the island, which he even called one of the most perfect places in the world. And he promised to return for the third time.

The stars highlight not only the beauty of Montenegro and the high quality of the hotels, but also the fact that this country is not yet full of tourists. They like to be able to feel free here, travel the cities, and not be afraid of fans in the crowd. In addition, it is fun for them to boast of being in a more original place than in traditional vacation spots. Admit it, Montenegro sounds a lot more exotic than the island of Ibiza in Spain, or Nice on the French Riviera.

However, the fact that Montenegro is loved by celebrities does not mean that it is an expensive and unattainable address. On the contrary, prices tend to surprise in a good way. Apparently they haven’t slipped too far yet and haven’t caused the special margins that Europe’s most famous resorts are famous for.

A cup of coffee 0.70 EUR, a piece of cake 1.50 EUR, a plate of Greek salad 3 EUR, a pork fillet 5 EUR – these are the prices of the most popular Budva cafes in Montenegro in the tourist area . Diving in a deeper place, cheaper, eating in the most popular places by the sea, a little more expensive. However, these prices pleasantly surprise many Europeans, especially those on vacation in Italy, Spain, Greece. Montenegro aims to kick the butt of all its competitors and significantly increase the number of tourists arriving each year. And good lower prices are cited as one of the advantages.



© Orijus Gasanovas

Montenegro, one of the youngest countries in Europe and the world, which declared its independence only in 2006, has done everything possible to develop tourism from the beginning. One by one, hotels began to sprout up on the coast, dozens of restaurants, cafes and bars opened. Realizing that they could earn a lot of money from incoming tourists, the locals also reacted quickly and began offering accommodation at home. As you drive across the country, even in the most remote towns, you can find posters on people’s windows for renting rooms or beds for the night. But I must warn you that it is not always cheaper than staying in a hotel. In Montenegro, they compete fiercely with each other, often lowering prices significantly to attract as many guests as possible. And that, of course, is extremely beneficial for us to travel to rest.

The country pays particular attention to accommodation services and strives to create a very attractive hotel infrastructure. From very cheap, cheap to luxurious, luxury. By the way, in Montenegro there are many exclusive boutique-style hotels that are featured in world-class travel magazines. At their level, they are not inferior to and, in some cases, even ahead of many European countries.

Montenegrins are well aware that they have something to be proud of: their nature alone is worth a lot of money: mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and finally the beautiful Adriatic coast. Nature, as if it were a painting carefully polished by an artist. But not only that, the cities of Budva and Kotor are the most memorable for many visitors due to the impressive ancient villages that have survived to this day. In Kotor there is also an old defensive wall that stretches across the hill that surrounds the city. It is the second largest wall in the world, after the Great Wall of China. Okay, an impressive fact. Like another no less popular tourist attraction: Tara Canyon. It is the second deepest canyon in the world after the Grand Canyon of America. Absolutely impressive, impressive.

Active rest is recommended in this country, so that you can fully feel what is special about Montenegro, not only lying in hotel beds, but also driving around the country, discovering the most impressive corners. This can be done by booking tours or renting a car and traveling independently to places that are widely described online. Although I realized during the first days of my visit to this country, the exact routes are not even necessary, I just drive where my eyes see and want to stop every few tens of kilometers. It is an impressive observation deck, it is like a waterfall or a cafe with panoramic views.



© Orijus Gasanovas

The simplicity and friendliness of the locals are extremely trapped in the Lithuanians who have already managed to visit here. When communicating with a coffee shop or shop owner, you may repeatedly hear a thank you for choosing this country for your vacation. Some even give small gifts, ask to come back and bring friends. They are also very receptive to advice as they can show their gratitude. When I left the waiter for 5 euros for a dinner for two, which cost 23 euros, he even surprised me on the street and shook my hand in gratitude. He invited me back and promised to serve me a local delicacy.

What our older generation will enjoy is that in major resorts, many service staff can speak not only English but Russian as well. Don’t expect completely clean language, but many people know the key words and phrases.

Montenegro, like the rest of the world, has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic and the tourism business has completely faltered. But they are trying by all means to resurrect him urgently. One of the tricks is to attract tourists to its beaches by offering free sun loungers and umbrellas. In almost every corner of the Budva complex hang posters inviting a bed in the sun.

In order for people to travel more boldly to this country, Montenegro has already lifted almost all restrictions on COVID-19. There are bars, clubs, people have fun like old times. On streets, beaches, bars: no masks are needed, only people who work in the service should wear them. However, the masks are requested when you go to the stores, they are given almost everywhere for free, even those who have their own mask, can buy a new one, change it for free. In public clinics, both locals and tourists can take free coronavirus tests, but they are not mandatory here. Only if the person himself wants to be suspected of being infected.

You can also fly freely from Lithuania, without proof, you don’t need any registration or anything else.

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