Among the most influential journalists is the Lietuvos Rytas critic, Vytautas Bruveris, and other representatives of the media group.


Edmundas Jakilaitis, who was voted the most influential journalist last year, was not evaluated in this year’s poll because he retired from political journalism. This year, he was recognized as the most influential public figure.

The experts also consider Rimvydas Valatka, reviewer, Rolandas Barysas, editor of Verslo žinios, Skirmantas Malinauskas, author of programs on Youtube, Vytautas Bruveris, reviewer of the newspaper Lietuvos Rytas, Indrė Makaraitytė, Head of the LRT Research Department, to be the most influential journalists. 15 minutes editor-in-chief Vaidotas Beniušis and LRT host Nemiras Pumprickaitė.

Gedvydas Vainauskas, editor-in-chief of Lietuvos Rytas, is ranked 23rd. At 30 – Tadas Ignatavičius, the Lietuvos Rytas policy reviewer, at 31 – Audrius Siaurusevičius, the Managing Director of Lietuvos Rytas Television.

It was on the list for the first time and was ranked 55 Deputy Editor Greta Ališauskaitė. Editor and director Tautvydas Mikalajūnas ranked 68th, and Editor of the Business Department Vytenis Radžiūnas – 74.

Expert survey It was commissioned by the magazine “Rankai”, which surveyed 900 politicians, businessmen, officials, journalists, public figures and famous people from May 14 to June 15.

This year, the opinion of both experts and the public agreed on the most influential title.

According to the Spinter Research public opinion poll, R. Miliūtė and R. Valatka are also in the top three.

Lithuanian Most Influential People Portal raises for the seventh consecutive year.
