Among the first to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, the wife of V. Kasiulevičius, who has not yet received the vaccine, the professor regrets such a decision.


15 minutes According to sources, the STT’s anti-corruption intelligence analytical review identified new cases of possible unwarranted vaccination with COVID-19 in people who did not have an employment relationship with any personal health care establishment (IDE) at the time of vaccination.

It is alleged that several people may have been vaccinated for no reason at the Santara clinics of the Vilnius University Hospital (VUL). Among the people mentioned in the sources is the wife of V. Kasiulevičius.

The doctor confirmed that his wife had been vaccinated on December 28.

“Because she volunteered and invited her at the time, she got vaccinated. That decision was wrong. (…) Because the volunteers were mass vaccinated a little later, a few days later ”, commented the professor.

COVID-19 doctors began vaccinating on December 27.

The vaccination was primarily administered to staff providing personal inpatient medical care to COVID-19 patients and to students involved in providing services and contact with patients with coronavirus infection.

Agreed to be vaccinated

V. Kasiulevičius said that a spouse who had volunteered at a medical institution and was invited to get vaccinated against the coronavirus asked for his opinion.

“I agreed that the vaccine was necessary and I got vaccinated,” he said.

When asked why he now thinks it was a mistake, the doctor said that he would not excuse anyone from the public opinion.

“There are rules. I have not gone too deep into those rules, but I am well aware that there are no excuses here. I understand the decisions that will be made, the way they will be. They will be legal,” said V. Kasulevičius.

I have not delved too deeply into those rules, but I am well aware that there are no excuses here.

V. Kasiulevičius’s wife also received the second vaccine.

“Although she was reluctant to consider how to behave here, I told her that if she invited, wow, now there would be nothing else,” said the doctor.

Photo of the Red Cross / Red Cross volunteers at the Jotainiai welfare home

Photo of Red Cross / Red Cross volunteers at the Jotainiai welfare home

Why was your spouse invited to get vaccinated before other volunteers, or could it have been related in some way to the fact that he works at the Santara clinics?

“No, not because of that. Because she was working at the time and there were people who gave up, so she tried to get together. Those two days were very difficult because there were no clear decisions about the vaccine. Everyone who worked was invited. at that time to be vaccinated if someone refused.

Because there were problems with the reserve lists at that time. Well, it was just a call and an invitation. Whoever was nearby was vaccinated instead of the people who refused, ”commented V.Kasiulevičius.

By the way, he himself was criticized, because he was also among the first doctors to be vaccinated, although he works as a family doctor, who is not on the front line of the fight against the coronavirus.

At the end of January, V. Kasiulevičius resigned from the health expert councils of the president and the prime minister. He denied that the measure was related to the aforementioned history of early spouse vaccination.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vytautas Kasiulevičius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vytautas Kasiulevičius

According to him, this is currently being investigated.

The VU professor highlighted the need to read all the legislation.

“And it doesn’t matter what others say or suggest. Just behave differently next time. But the problem here is perhaps mine, that sometimes I casually appreciate some things. Now you have to pay for it, that’s all, “said V. Kasulevičius.

Dad didn’t get vaccinated early

15 minutes According to sources, the father of another GP of this institution, Valery Morozov, could have been vaccinated in the Santara clinics at the end of December.

The doctor denied it: his father was vaccinated when people in that age group were vaccinated. His vaccinations reportedly ended in March.

Photo by Kaunas City Municipality / Skeptics

Photo by Kaunas City Municipality / Skeptics

“He was not vaccinated on December 27. Since the name and surname of our father and I are the same, even STT makes a mistake, and not just someone else,” commented V. Morozov, considering that this could also be a error due to ordinary electronic health outages.

There are five hospitals in sight

As indicated by the STT, given the importance of transparency in the COVID-19 vaccination process, the Authority analyzed the validity of the coronavirus vaccination before January 5, 2021 and identified a series of cases in which the Vaccine validity is in doubt and needs to be further evaluated.

According to Renata Keblienė, Head of the STT Department of Communication, these cases were detected in the Santara Clinics of the Vilnius University Hospital (VUL), in the Kaunas Clinics of the Lithuanian Health Sciences University (LSMU), in the Marijampolė Hospital, the Kretinga Hospital and the Jonava Hospital.

“9 people who did not fall into the priority categories of people to be vaccinated and who did not work in any ASPI were identified, as well as 7 people who were employed in ASPI but who were not classified as providers of services to patients with identified COVID-19” said R. Keblienė.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15 min photo / Special Investigation Service

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15 min photo / Special Investigation Service

According to her, ASPIS and its stakeholders (Ministry of Health (SAM), Marijampolė, Kretinga district and municipalities of Jonava district) were informed about the identified cases.

Information on specific vaccinated individuals is not publicly available.

“Human solution”

There are three cases of unreasonable vaccinations in the Kaunas clinics, when in the first stage people who did not work in the institution were possibly vaccinated.

A case, as explained by the hospital management, is humanly explained and justified.

Šarūnas Mačinskas, head of the Outpatient Services Coordination Service at the Kaunas Clinic at LSMU Hospital, said that he had made the decision on the latter case after very careful evaluation.

She was vaccinated by the mother of a teacher with a disability who constantly works with her, taking care of her and giving her the extra help she needed.

“It really is about the person who is and is legally involved in the hospital. This is the Disability Integration Act, which says that a disabled person must be able to work, and there is the Labor Code, which stipulates that an employer must provide additional assistance if a person with a disability is working and cannot perform all functions. independently.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Kauno klinikos

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Kauno klinikos

This, I say, we have dealt with here and on a legal basis, because, yes, this case is known and it was, as I say here, deliberately done. But the legal framework was also evaluated. This legal framework obliges the employer to provide additional conditions and assistance to a person with a disability. And the doctor really has a very pronounced and severe disability. It couldn’t be without someone else, “emphasized Š.Mačinskas.

As for the other two people who may have been vaccinated unjustifiably, the representative of the Kaunas clinics said that he had ascertained that they were not actually on the hospital staff list. One is an employee of the university, the other is a former employee.

According to Š.Mačinskas, at the hospital, the heads of profile clinics, departments and branch directors are responsible for the correct compilation of the lists of people to be vaccinated and their presentation to the administration.

Photo from the Kaunas clinics / Vaccination of employees with the COVID-19 vaccine has started in the Kaunas clinics.

Photo from the Kaunas clinics / Vaccination of employees with the COVID-19 vaccine has started in the Kaunas clinics.

“These are the heads of the units and they have written explanations on the basis of which they have included those people on the lists. And if it is illegal, they will have to respond ”, Š.Mačinskas pointed out, adding that these explanations will be provided to STT and SAM.

Surnames match

Vidas Kačiusis, Deputy Director of Medicine at Jonava Hospital, said that a request had been received from the STT regarding the vaccination of a person for the COVID-19 procedure.

The fact is that the names of two hospital employees, the current and the former, coincided.

“And due to human error in collecting patient data, the employee who previously worked but is not currently working has been flagged. This was noted by the STT, apparently checking the validity of the people to be vaccinated – if they are receiving the vaccine legally, they noticed this human error and we were warned that such a misunderstanding occurred, ”explained V. Kačiusis.

However, he claimed that the vaccination was not carried out by a former hospital worker who did not have the vaccine, but by an existing one who should have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

The directors of the Marijampolė and Kretinga hospitals could not be contacted.

No accusations were made

According to the representative of STT R. Keblienė, the Service had previously initiated a pre-trial investigation into the situation of the VUL Žalgiris Clinic due to the massive violation of detection, when the COVID-19 vaccine could be vaccinated by people who do not belong to identified priority groups.

No accusations have been made against anyone.

Josvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / VUL Žalgiris Clinic

Josvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / VUL Žalgiris Clinic

“Due to the individual cases identified in Šilalė d. At the hospital and UAB Ambulansas at the Šilalė ambulance station, the STT transmitted the information to the National Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health, the Šilalė District Municipality and the Šilalė District Hospital, ”said R. Keblienė .
