Among the candidates, R. Karbauskis’s income is unsurpassed: 16.4 million. EUR per year Business


Ramūnas Karbauskis, president of the Lithuanian Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS), declared 16.4 million. € 3.6 million in revenue last year, of which € 3.6 million represented individual operating income. R. Karbauskis paid a total of 1.7 million. personal income tax (PIT), which is around 10%. of the income received.

Assets declared by R. Karbauskis (mostly real estate) – 13.3 million. It is also indicated that R. Karbauskis had 839 thousand euros. 10.1 million euros in cash and the value of its securities. euros. These are amounts similar to the declaration returns filed by the STI, when it was announced that the value of R. Karbauskis’ total declared assets was LTL 24.4 million. euros.

Last year, listed with the LVŽS, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis’s declared assets declared last year amounted to 136 thousand. of which 94 thousand euros. euros. Last year, the Prime Minister declared 71 thousand. income, of which they paid 13 thousand. EUR GPM, or about 19%.

Gabrielius Landsbergis, president of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union (LKD) party, declared that he had received only 50.1 thousand. income, and paid 10 thousand. EUR GPM, or about 20%. Declared the largest amount of assets in stocks: 1.33 million. euros. This is ten times less than the data published by the STI on the assets that your family manages. 15 minutes has previously published an explanation that such an increase in assets was due to the revaluation of the wife’s business shares.

Gabrielius Landsbergis

Gabrielius Landsbergis

Ingrida Šimonytė, who tops the TS-LKD list, won 54.5 thousand last year. EUR and paid 10.9 thousand. income tax.

Last year, Gintautas Paluckas, leader of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party list, declared that he had won 43.8 thousand. of which they paid EUR 8771 in taxes.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Gintautas Paluckas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Gintautas Paluckas

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, president of the Liberal Movement, declared 54 thousand. income and payment 10,2 thousand. EUR GPM.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Victoria Čmilytė-Nielsen

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Victoria Čmilytė-Nielsen

Vigilijus Jukna, who heads the Labor Party list, declared that he had won 76.3 thousand. EUR, and paid 11,1 thousand. taxes in euros. Its assets are mainly made up of loans to third parties (80 thousand euros) and cash (54 thousand euros).

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Vigilijus Jukna

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Vigilijus Jukna

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Linas Linkevičius, leader of the list of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party, won 62.7 thousand. income, and paid 12,1 thousand. taxes in euros.

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Linas Linkevičius

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Linas Linkevičius

Last year, the earnings of Zbignev Jedinskis, who was number one on the list of the Union of Christian Families of the Lithuanian Polish Election Campaign, amounted to 42.7 thousand. paid 8.5 thousand euros. taxes in euros.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15 min photo / Beginning of the plenary session of the Seimas

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15 min photo / Beginning of the plenary session of the Seimas

The first issue of the Freedom Party, Member of Seimas Aušrinė Armonaitė, won 40.9 thousand. EUR and paid 7.9 thousand. taxes in euros.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

22 millionaires run for the Seimas

Dividing the total number of assets of 1,755 candidates and deriving the average, it would result that, on average, a person running for the Seimas has almost 147,000 at his disposal. assets in euros, announces the CEC.

Most of the candidates’ assets (irrespective of loans received and granted) are at the disposal of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania (45 214 196 EUR).

In second place is the Labor Party, whose total patrimony of the candidates amounts to 32,593,478 euros.

Third, in terms of the total amount of assets held by the candidates, is the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union, which has assets of 20,867,219 euros.

The candidates of the Lithuanian People’s Party, declared the least active, have a total of 2,324,103 euros at their disposal.

The assets of the candidates of the political party “Partido de la Valor” amounts to 3,586,913 euros. The Intergenerational Cohesion-Solidarity Union for Lithuania stated that the candidates had 4,249,568 euros in assets.

According to the CCA, this year 22 millionaires are fighting for the seats of a member of the Seimas.

The 3 richest candidates are on the list of the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party-National Union.

Two millionaires each: the Labor Party, the Liberal Movement of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party, the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union, the Lithuanian Green Party and the All Party Lithuania.

One millionaire each has a Polish Lithuanian election campaign: the Union of Christian Families, the “Freedom and Justice” party and the Union of Intergenerational Solidarity – Cohesion for Lithuania.

For their part, two more candidates with more than one million euros in assets have stood out.

Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants, is the candidate with the most assets for calculating the amounts of assets, securities and money (excluding loans granted and received). Its assets amount to € 24,338,530.

In second place on this list is Antanas Guoga, who is on the Labor Party’s list of candidates. It indicated to the CEC that it had assets of EUR 17,326,796.

Third on the list is the President of the Lithuanian Green Party, Remigijus Lapinskas, whose statements include 6,922,083 euros.

According to the CEC, 93 candidates for Seimas members indicated that they had no assets.

According to the data provided by the candidates, Ernestas Skobas, candidate of the Freedom Party (-123,580 euros), and Raimundas Beglecovas, candidate of the Freedom and Justice Party (-113,422 euros), have the highest number of debts. ) and Nijolė Putrienė, candidate of the Liberal Movement of the Republic of Lithuania (-76,595 euros).

The disclosure method chosen by the CEC does not allow data collection, does not provide a single file

The CCA provides data on the income, assets and other data of candidates only on a website where it is quite difficult for an inexperienced user to find separate questionnaires, and it is practically impossible to compare if it is impossible to sort the data. 15 minutes As recently as last week, the CEC requested the possibility of obtaining a summary of candidate data in a computer file, where the data could be compared.

“The data on the application documents of the candidates are published on the website of the CEC according to the provisions of Article 45 of the Law on Elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. And merging and submitting the data from the candidates’ application documents in a structured way would not meet the personal data protection requirements, so this data cannot be published in open data formats like xls, csv, “he said. CEC spokesperson Indrė Ramanavičienė and mentioned EU directives and Lithuanian law.

15 minutes He tried to find out which rules or its clause do not allow combining data, the disclosure of which is required by law, but the representative of the CEC did not respond to the two additional requests.

The Law of the Central Electoral Commission stipulates that the CCA “publishes candidates on the website of the Central Electoral Commission for fair competition in accordance with the procedure established by the Electoral Law and declarations and other documents presented by their representatives.”
