American gymnastics star S. Biles talks about reemerging psychological problems: refuses to participate in competition


S. Biles has tickets for the finals of all competitions. 142cm tall Simone in Tokyo is still considered the undisputed favorite in multiplayer to win all the gold awards, but now it seems that the intrigue of individual gymnastics competitions will only increase.

On Tuesday, Biles unexpectedly withdrew from the women’s team gymnastics competition, in which the rest of the Americans, in addition to their leader, took second place, leaving first to the Russians. The latter state won the gymnastics trophy for the first time since 2008.

Although S. Biles was thought to have been injured Tuesday after the not-so-successful jump and landing, he appeared in the arena after a while but refused to compete. On the other hand, the silver award was withdrawn by the athlete.

The official reason for the departure on Tuesday was the athlete’s psychological problems. S. Biles, who has 25 medals in the World Gymnastics Championships, 19 of them, had such problems even after the 2016 Olympics. Then the American decided to suspend her starts for a year.

“I’m not hiding that I have attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome. I have been taking medication for this disease since childhood.

However, I follow all anti-doping rules. I will continue to take medications because I need them and they are necessary for my sport. I am not afraid that not only the specialists know it, but now also the majority of society ”, said S. Biles, who revealed his illness.

The celebrity is said to have contracted the disease for three years, when the athlete’s mother was deprived of the right to raise four children due to alcohol consumption.

Shennon Biles’ four children were taken to the orphanage and half a year later, Simone and sister Adrie were adopted by their royal grandfather, Ronald, who was a pilot in the US Air Force.

In 2016, in Rio de Janeiro, S. Biles won 4 gold medals and 1 bronze medal in all possible matches, and Tokyo also planned to fight for five medals.
