American conservatives are also turning away from Trump, who ignores the coronavirus crisis


According to the publication, several influential Republicans are clenching their teeth in the Trump administration, especially the President himself, due to his inability to control an outbreak of coronavirus infection.

Many no longer believe that Trump can act constructively, while others have decided to ignore the president’s instructions or even do the opposite and listen to him, not him, but public health experts such as the infectious diseases chief of states. United, Anthony Fauci.

This trend is due to several factors: the deterioration of the situation in the states administered by these Republicans, the impression that the epidemic is not even interesting for Trump and, of course, the fact that the President is increasingly behind with regarding Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the polls.

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Joe Biden

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Joe Biden

Hateful deviant from the line

Republican state governors had been in disrepair until recently, but now they independently share instructions on wearing masks or restraints in business.

In addition, some of these governors talk on the phone in the late afternoon and share ideas and complaints.

In the Trump administration, they are desperately trying to find allies, and that appears to be Vice President Mike Pence. He publicly supports Trump, but there seems to be a greater focus on the ongoing catastrophe.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Mike Pence

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Mike Pence

“The president is tired of all this,” said David Carney, adviser to Texas Governor Greg Abbott. “The governor sends his requests to Pence, who he talks to two or three times a week.”

Other Republicans, but already in Congress, are pressing privately on the White House to return Fauci-led press conferences. They used to inform the public about the situation in the United States during the spring, but now only Trump is speaking.

Mr. McConnell: We need to speak directly so that everyone understands that the pandemic will not go away until we have a vaccine.

And Senate Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell has generally decided to oppose Trump’s growing public opinion.

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump

He reiterates the importance of putting on a mask, says he trusts Fauci “completely” and urges Americans to listen to the recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the same ones the president is ignoring.

“We need to speak directly so everyone understands: The pandemic will not go away until we have a vaccine,” said McConnell in his home state of Kentucky.

Fragile presidential behavior

Coronavirus is rampant in states important to both parties, where fierce fighting is expected during the November elections: Arizona, Texas, Georgia. Republicans are usually the hosts there, but Democrats can win this year, too.

Republicans, according to The New York Times, are hurt by Trump’s irregular behavior.

Their claims are unclear, the orders are vague, predictions that the epidemic will decline rapidly, and reasoning that there is more logic to confirm that more infections are confirmed only by the increased number of tests performed.

Scanpix Photo / Queue to Coronavirus Testing in Los Angeles

Scanpix Photo / Queue to Coronavirus Testing in Los Angeles

In late June, even Gary Herbert, the governor of the bright red state of Utah, asked the Trump administration to recommend that Americans across the country wear masks.

“If you are responsible, if you care about your neighbors, behave respectfully and put on a mask. “I think you and the president could help us with this,” Herbert told Pence.

Pence promised to talk more about the masks, but Trump, although he finally covered his face, said a few days later that the virus “would just go away.” He refuses to issue a federal order to wear masks because Americans deserve “some freedom” in the matter.

Scanpix / SIPA photo / Donald Tras finally put on his mask

Scanpix / SIPA photo / Donald Tras finally put on his mask

For months, Republican governors have avoided announcing far-reaching restrictions on the coronavirus outbreak, not wanting to speak out against Trump.

But now behave more boldly. Here, Arkansas State Governor Asa Hutchinson said that all Trump activists should wear masks. He added that “national leaders must lead by example.”

Ohio-led Mike DeWine, for his part, did not directly answer the reporters’ question about whether he trusted Trump during the crisis. He only praised Pence for his “phenomenal work”.

Warns of defeat

Certainly, many Republican politicians are concerned about Trump’s statements that states should “open” earlier, otherwise the federal government will punish them.

Senator Ben Sasse, who represents Nebraska, said he was unhappy with the war openly declared by some Trump administration officials, including presidential adviser to President Peter Navarro.

Scanpix / SIPA photo / Ben Sasse

Scanpix / SIPA photo / Ben Sasse

“I want more information. More importantly, I want the entire White House to start working as a team to address the problem. So far, those men are unlikely to realize that tens of thousands of Americans have died and tens of millions are out of work, “Sasse said.

Even more forthright, Republican Missouri Senator Roy Blunt said, “The more press conferences they broadcast to professionals, the better.”

Saturday’s reports in The New York Times and The Washington Post that the White House wants to avoid funding for coronavirus testing and contacts, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health are not worrisome.

And ordinary Americans just don’t believe in Trump. A poll conducted on Friday showed many citizens were negative about the President’s government’s fight against the coronavirus crisis, and two-thirds of those surveyed said they did not believe Trump’s comments on COVID-19.

P. Ryan: 70 percent. suburban voters will vote for Biden, 30 percent. – To abreviate. If the relationship doesn’t change, Trump will have trouble in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan directly acknowledged in a private event that Trump would not be reelected if he continued to fall so hard on Biden in terms of popularity among the suburban population.

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Donald Short

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Donald Short

“70 percent. Voters in this group will vote for Biden, 30 percent. – for short. If the relationship doesn’t change, Trump will have trouble in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania,” Ryan said.

Although the predictions so far are extremely uncomfortable, it seems that Trump’s immediate advisers are confident that it is better for the President to continue explaining which coronavirus is really harmless. Better yet, not to mention the crisis at all.

But those tactics no longer work. Studies show Trump is likely to be crushed in the fall, especially if he doesn’t change his approach to the epidemic, which is far from backtracking.
