Alytus is the first number of COVID-19 patients in Lithuania


The COVID-19 disease situation in Alytus, compared to other municipalities in the country, has risen to the top in a bad way.

“Today we are the first in Lithuania. Calculating 100,000 inhabitants, 1992.2 new cases were detected in Alytus during the last 14 days. The average in Lithuania is 1178. In most European countries, this indicator is less than 600”, he says Jurgita Šukevičienė, Deputy Mayor of Alytus.

According to her, for the fifth day in a row, more than 100 new cases of Covid are detected in Alytus. Figures from the previous day – new Covid – 107, the total number of infected – 1573.

“Hospital staff continues to” decline “: 3 more doctors and 6 nurses fell ill. And in the Covid ward, the number of patients is growing (89 and 6 Covid are currently being treated) in resuscitation. development of beds, and who will take care of them? ”asks the deputy mayor rhetorically.

As the deputy director of the hospital, anesthesiologist-resuscitator Dmitry Kaciurin said, resuscitation is filling up fast, the need is growing, and soon keeping the 100 Covid beds available will be difficult due to a huge staff shortage. It may be necessary to further reduce services (for example, abandon orthopedic trauma) and transfer redundant staff to the Covid unit …

Of course, the virus is not contagious: some priests, politicians, specialists from the municipal administration and their leaders are already sick.

“You know, I’m looking forward to curfew. I know in this case St. We will only welcome Christmas with our family, but it’s better than being sick or, God forbid, in the hospital. We need to protect ourselves. ourselves and protect others. Do you think otherwise? Are we waiting for the Italian stage in March? “Says Deputy Mayor J. Šukevičienė, unafraid of receiving criticism from skeptics.

The mobile brigade, which addressed companies, stopped working as of Friday: the employee was assigned to Covid. Businesses will continue to be tested referencing the mobile coronavirus checkpoint.

The Sports and Medical Rehabilitation Center is also a great challenge: it has infected 55 patients and 27 employees.

The provision of services of the 1st Alytus Primary Health Care Center was suspended, 6 cases of Covid were identified for medical personnel.
