Alytus is preparing for the second wave of COVID-19: what will you do if the virus spreads?


Although there are not many coronavirus infections in Alytus, COVID-19 has been detected in two residents of Alytus, it is necessary to prepare for a possible outbreak of this infection when the number of coronavirus patients in the country is growing rapidly.

Members of the Alytus City Township Emergency Operations Center met today to discuss the current situation and issues of readiness for the second wave of COVID-19.

According to Neringa Rinkevičiūtė, Director of the Alytus City Municipality Emergency Operations Center, the Deputy Director of Administration, the municipality has provided the necessary personal protective equipment; It has been purchased for a month, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. The institutions and companies belonging to the Alytus city municipality have also accumulated the reserve of the above measures for one month. City of Alytus educational institutions undertake these measures on their own as needed.

The place of temporary quarantine is social housing.

Currently, residents of Alytus who are quarantined and do not have the conditions to do so can temporarily reside in social housing. So far only one person has lived in it.

As the number of Alytus residents who must be quarantined increases, they will be temporarily housed in the Athletes’ House at Alytus City Stadium (Birutė str. 5). According to N. Rinkevičiūtė, Director of the Alytus City Municipality Emergency Operations Center, Deputy Director of Administration, previously all quarantined Alytus residents were housed in the Athletes’ House, but when the athletes return to the stadium they already training camps, currently offered in municipally owned social housing.

The Alytus City Council reminds you that you can request temporary quarantine issues by phone. +370 693 55005 or email pags. [email protected]

Failure to comply with the self-isolation rules will result in fines.

Currently, there are 68 Alytus residents in self-isolation. Unfortunately, not all inhabitants follow the rules of quarantine and self-isolation. According to Mantas Struckus, chief of the Alytus County Police Commissariat’s Response Division, a person who violated self-isolation rules was identified last weekend. A few days ago, two more offenders were identified.

To avoid the repetition of self-isolation violations, the Head of the Response Division M. Struckus recalls that for violations of the rules of quarantine and self-isolation, the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for fines ranging between 500 and 1,500 euros. If a person commits a crime for the first time, half of the minimum fine is imposed.

In the worst case: a coronavirus has spread in Alytus. How will we behave?

Preparing for the worst-case scenario beforehand is far better than not being prepared for it, even if that worst-case scenario doesn’t happen. If a coronavirus spreads in Alytus and an outbreak occurs, it may be necessary to close the city.

According to Mantas Struckus, chief of the Alytus County Police Chief Commissariat’s Response Division, in such a situation, the police would not be able to control all entrances to the city as human resources would simply not be sufficient. In this case, the police would patrol at 4 entrances to the city of Alytus: at the intersection of Simno and Seirijai, on the ring road of Normandijos, Nemunas and Druskininkų streets on First Alytus and in the direction of Vilnius on the street Ulonų near UAB Alytaus Dainava and entering the city towards the Kaunas settlement, Miklusėnaiunas. Other entries may need to be restricted.

The case of coronavirus in the school is a situation whose actions were also discussed during a meeting of the Emergency Operations Center. According to Dalytė Nekraševičienė, Director of the Alytus Department of the National Center for Public Health, in this situation, the person with this infection would be isolated first, and the school should designate a responsible person to establish all direct contacts of the COVID-19 person. Once identified, it would be decided what additional actions to take: distance learning in the classroom, no change in the educational process, or distance learning for the whole school.

According to D. Nekraševičienė, the educational institution should take care of the disinfection of the facilities, but it should not be carried out by the cleaners who clean the school facilities, but by a company that can perform these services professionally, therefore the principal of Alytus companies capable of providing services.
